Saturday, August 11, 2007
Best friend's house=)
Date: 12th August 2007
Time: 0139h
Weather: It's once again too early to make such predictions.
Mood: Irritated by nose-block. Accomplished to have completed my chemistry revision.
Well, it seems that my routine's been a total flip-over that I'm now writing an entry that is supposedly and technically yesterday's. This has been the case for the past few days, ever since the short break started the previous Wednesday. The load of us were having so much fun studying together that I, myself, even suspect now that if I can cope with individual studies. Study-group is definitely fun, especially when majority of the time is often dedicated to the so-called "activity-time". A brief explanation, it basically refers to the leisure activity we never fail to include, eg. basketball, street basketball, arcade. Thus, there is no question about me spending so much more time in places like the Whitesands' Maconald's and Paya Lebar's building than my own house. We even plan to continue gatherings of this type even after O'levels and graduation. I mean, what could be more meaningful and a more effective way in keeping in touch with pals?
Yesterday was Joel's turn, so we went to his place as planned. By right, I was supposed to accompany my sister and mama to Suntec City, but because of some incident, which I seriously doubt there is a need to elaborate, I called it off. They went off to their shopping therapy without me of course. And so, I was left at home, to face with the very small apartment confined within 4-walls. Fortunately, diligence got the better of me, and I sprang off with my chemistry revision, and completed the last 3 chapters I was left with, while watching Doremon.=)
Then, I went to Joel's house, where I alighted at the wrong bus stop and got lost, despite the fact that I've been there twice. I'm a terrible road-idiot. In the end, I was saved by technology, man's greatest invention- the cell phone. =)
At his house, I was thoroughly not in the best state to study as I was having an awful stomachache, maybe because of the can of chili Tuna I had the day before (I'm extremely allergic to spiciness). Dilly dally, the clock ticks and the time passed and it was soon evening. We had a game of monopoly, in which I made some grave mistakes constituting to my lost. However, I still feel the satisfaction of being addressed the good man though(I allowed some players to have discounts and pass some of the payments on my assets=)) . We went for dinner after that, where once again I was stranded behind. Actually I wanted to order the prawn noodles, but because I had no experience in buying food from a 'yong tau fu' store, I picked my ingredients, and there goes my prawn noodles. In the end, I was the last one to go back with my food. Luckily, like me, Jolyn(Joel's sister) is a slow eater, perhaps slower than me, so yea, I didn't finish last. Thanks Jolyn=P
We went separate way after the meal (Jolyn went home, and we went to have our 'activity-basketball). I was damn high on the way there, that I was like keep running here and there with the big 'soccer ball'. We reached, had a game(where we won=p), and returned to Joel's house. It was already almost 10p.m. by then, and we thought it wouldn't be too nice to linger back any longer. Hence, the load of us went home (I was once again stranded behind when they went down while I went to throw my cup at the big chute). On the way to the bus stop, I took out my cell and took several pictures of the load of us.
Very soon, the bus was here. We boarded it and the day was over=)
Below are some of the pictures we took (Have fun browsing through them)=):
We walk and we walk,
together with the beautiful memories...

The not-so-evil freaks of 2007=)
We are all in this together...
Labels: A wonderful piece of memory
Posted by Judah at 8/11/2007 10:31:00 AM