Music Playlist at MixPod.com

O Holy Night
God's Angels guided me through

brightening darkness; removing obstacles

to have seen me thus far

Secrets of the woods become secrets no more

For God has commanded me to share my experience

with those whom trust and don't

as the encounter would witness and stand

and show the greatness of our mighty Lord

God bless

*God's child*
*Koh Tiongwei*.
24th February 1991


-All Saints (English Congregation) -Gongshang Primary 1.8, 2.8, 3.7, 4.7, 5.7, 6.7
-Ngee Ann Secondary 1e4, 2r4, 3r1,4r1
-TJC House Committee 16th ALPHA
-Anglican Diocese Youth Board Project Serve 2010

*♥Jesus♥ *
♥Fantastic Five
♥Alpha House Committee
♥Soothing music
♥Nature wonders
♥Fascinating Facts
♥Cool Surprises
♥Cartoons [Pixar and Disney]

Jesus said,"Love your enemy."

*fallen star *


Old Stories
Judah likes the recollection: one day before setti...
Resolution (2011): Better discernment/ fuller dedi...
Testimony 2010
"Future holds too much uncertainty for us to compr...
I really like my last 2 entries. Anyway, I had my ...
It's that time of the year again. Somewhere not to...
For 3 weeks, we've been talking about temptation d...
At some point of time, this may seem like a weird ...
Many a time, I really hope that I might have had m...

Past Grace
August 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
August 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011


Jia En[p]
JoelPixel Icons at Ego Box

Serve 2010

House Committee
CrystalPixel Icons at Ego Box
FangXiongPixel Icons at Ego Box
KrystalPixel Icons at Ego Box
MatPixel Icons at Ego Box
Nicholas Lau
PhayKeyPixel Icons at Ego Box
ShiYanPixel Icons at Ego Box
Teck Kian
TeresaPixel Icons at Ego Box

BaohuiPixel Icons at Ego Box
Hui Yan

Pixel Icons at Ego Box=Love
Pixel Icons at Ego Box=F.F
Pixel Icons at Ego Box=Alpha HC comrades

Praise the Lord

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Zephon power reignite

Today was hectic. It was tiredness which I sensed first thing in the morning- aftermath of a late-night sleep. Lessons were dry as usual. Lectures and tutorials, lullabying me to sleep like an olden days movie. At around 1100h, we were supposed to report to the auditorium because the school has invited some bands to put up a mini-concert for us. They are the Switchfoot, and some underlings of the company. I wonder if who has ever heard of that, because I was totally ignorant of their presence and even existence until just I witnessed them just now. Personally, I don't like loud music, with all the shouting and screeches. But I like the atmosphere when everyone gets high for the same reason. So the event was a rather enjoyable one. School ends at 1550h today, and I was supposed to collect my recommendation slip from my secondary school immediately after that. The application for the scholarship is tomorrow. Hence, today was the last day and probably, my last chance as well. original plan of the day was to spend time with clone, but things just love to crop up at the last minute. I was selected as an Orientation Group leader. Of course, I was over the moon for being able to succeed, especially after so much sabotages. However, little did I expect that what follows up would clash with the whole of the entire stretch until Zenith 2 ends, which means I will be extremely busy in the next couple of days. Sorry clone. So, today I had to go back on my words. I couldn't accompany my clone, because today was the first "orientation camp" for the OGLs. And from what I heard, it is not advisable to skip any of the coming few days, because the clan master would be selected at the end of this period, greatly based on the performance we put up during this period of time. Back in school, I was designated to Alpha 2. Alpha equates to Zephon equates to the wolf clan, equates to where I belong. I love Zephon! Then we had this self-introduction thing where we got to know each other more, though the problem with me still lies with the fact that I can't match faces with names. Then, we did many Zephon cheers. There were only 3 ex-Zephons in the entire group, meaning we are rare and the only true-breeding=). So we were given the task to teach and lead cheers. It was an honour and definitely a great stride towards the goal of becoming a clan master. I identified a strong competitor among us too- Theen You, if I never spell wrongly. He has a voice so loud, that he was capable of drowning me. Fortunately, he wasn't very familiar with the cheers as he wasn't a Zephon before. That gave me the edge.=P But I think the real competition only begins this Saturday, when he should have already brushed up on the cheers. Then we gathered under Lecture Theater 1 for a debrief, and a small cheering competition. Trinity was there and he led us some cheers. I led some, Theen You led some, Kaizan led some. I was proud of Zephon when some SCIPs told us that they were impressed with us! Zephon sexy! power! Baik! Hot!


Posted by Judah at 1/31/2008 06:35:00 AM

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

life goes on

Today's the day when a completely different life begun. I still have yet to adapt though. The first best-friend-less day. Morning was a frustration. Didn't feel comfortable everywhere and anywhere. I was becoming more and more emo in school, and people were beginning to be afraid of me because of such dynamics I can get to. I like the Chinese lesson today because it was a story-telling session. The lecturer shared with us her understanding of Chinese New Year, and how her dad had influenced her. I'd gain so much insight into the festival. The other lessons were pretty dry except that Gavin was nominated to dress up as Minnie during the carnival to suit the thematic year of mouse to represent our Civics Group. For contact time, it was a presentation by the Community Involvement Program (CIP). Firstly, it was Cambodia, followed by Yun Nan. I was attracted, to go to Cambodia. Then I heard about being able to invite people from outside school to tag along- and the first person I thought of was clone. To be able to see the sunrise of Cambodia with her would be such a wonderful thing. Then, today was the first official training I've started for Rock-climbing. Because I missed out on so much during the last 2 trainings due to head-injury, today I had to do much catching ups. So, Ying Xiao taught me about belaying, harnesses, and rope-tying(3 lessons worth of content). I climbed the wall two times, and belayed Daryl once. He's becoming so strong, stronger than when I met him the first time- he's able to do specific route already, while I was still bothered by my shoes- slippery. Then we had physical training which involved a lot of stetching for the muscles on and around the abdomen. It was extreme pain, especially when the previous day's PE had already left some pulls in the same exact muscles. Otherwise, the entire thing was fun! Today, I ended school at 1945h, too late to meet clone. Kind of sad and disappointed. I miss her!


Posted by Judah at 1/30/2008 09:03:00 AM

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


It was night. After days of pondering, I've decided to tell him the truth. It's a hard decision, because from which ever perspective we look at the issue, it still sums up to the same conclusion-I'm at fault. I hadn't been feeling too good about hiding the truth from him. In fact, I had wanted to confess to him long ago. But many factors dragged us down. At first he wasn't feeling particularly very good over everything that had happened, then he was down with a very serious flu. So we thought telling him then wasn't a good time. We didn't want to worsen his conditions. But never had we expected the problem to snowball into what is is today. I didn't have the courage at first. I never had it... But I knew that the truth's gonna reveal itself someday, and I didn't want to deceive him anymore. After all, friends equate to absolute trust. And deceiving would mean betrayal. Though he's already marked me down as a betrayer already... So I told him, and much to my despair, I lost my best friend. He was my best friend, is my best friend, and I wanted a 'will-be' best friend too. But everything just seemed so distant now. The hatred was clear, despite the fact that he said one day we might reconcile again. He's been trying to convince me with reasons that weren't too convincing, to maintain the distance. I mean I understand why it turned out like that. What else do you expect from a betrayer? Although I've anticipated this somehow, I cried. Tears started blurring my vision. Losing a friend isn't as simple as everyone thinks it seemed, especially when he's a best friend and the only best friend. Tears drip, tears dried, tears stopped, and seconds later, tears drip again. I can't help. With the tears dripping, came many memories we had in the post. Times where we had so much fun. When we started the study group, where we went to a Christmas party, where we encountered problems and faced it together, where we sat front-to-back in class and had our wonderful snacks, where we chatted online despite the thousands of distance apart and the hours of time lapse. Even where there were life-changing adversities charging either of us in the face, we had faced it together bravely, and overcame each. I knew that I had to be the force behind him, I had to give him the support, never to leave him alone, and never to forsake him as a friend. Thin and thick we came through, but today the relationship was broken. After all, it didn't prove as strong as it seemed. He's heartless to do that to me... I know you were hurt too, but I wasn't spared, and I couldn't help thinking about it. When the relationship becomes zero, does it mean that we could start afresh? Or is it just a verbal statement? From hat I see, we had become negative, we are now worse than acquaintance, because you've set the barrier to bar me out from your world.

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Posted by Judah at 1/29/2008 07:30:00 AM


Tuesday- the biggest sorrow. Everything was fine in the morning until night time. Many things happened in school. I bickered with the two Malaysian scholars and it was kid of fun, I had my last Chinese lesson today, and we had the group pe in the rain for the first time. Chinese had been my main spoken language ever since I've started to talk, and until now, I've already gone through 13years of education, involving Chinese. It is an amazing language and an amazing culture lies within it, behind it, and surrounding it. Deep and wide, vast and profound- the language which had linked up the majestic mass of land in the northeast. Never in my lifetime had I thought of not taking the subject anymore, as it had always been where my strength lied. To me, it is very much of a matter-of-course, because it had blended into my life well and perfectly. However, unexpectancies do happened. Today was my last lesson of Chinese. To many, it may be a relief and a happy-ever-after. But I wasn't feeling the least bit of joy. Today, I was going to part with the language I've always been so familiar with. I felt solemn. I didn't feel like talking and that scared Sinyee and WenShin. They thought I was angry with them because of the bickers and teases we've had earlier the day. Well, I wasn't. I was just sad over the very fact that I'm leaving for real this time round. At least, severing ties with a language isn't as bad as severing tie with a friend, needless to say, a best friend...


Posted by Judah at 1/29/2008 06:13:00 AM

Monday, January 28, 2008

Big day

A day after the Green Day. Hence, school started slightly later today, but I'd forgotten about it. As a result, I was an hour and a half early for school. I did some homework and chatted with some of the people, before school really started. During biology lecture, we watched a documentary regarding a genetic disease- the Progeria. Do visit the following website if you guys want to find out more about it- http://www.progeriaresearch.org/index.html Anyway, the video was about 3 kids who suffered from the genetic disorders. They are John, Ashley and the much younger Devon. The former two were the most prominent one, because they established this really special bond between them, and they were both going through the exact same thing. Each was so special to the other. It was a very misfortune thing, and conditions of these kind sums up to less than 40 cases worldwide- a less than 1% chance of striking. The kids were really optimistic, and they have big dreams! John wanna become a rock star or a music player in studio next time. Unfortunately, he passed away 3 years ago on the 2004, when he was only 14+. Well, overall rating: the show is very nice and touching- I cried. We had Orientation Group Leader interview in the afternoon. By right, my slot was 1730h, but the system altered a little at the last minute. So, they were prompting people to go in when there were 4. Reluctant though, I went in with 3 strangers. They were all previously from Slithas, and were bugging me to teach them the Zephon cheer since I'm the only pure-bred here. However, hypocrisy revealed itself during the orientation. The SCIP was insisting us to go in in 4s, despite us having only 6 people there, and going in in 3s looked a more practical choice. So, I was grabbed randomly, and I went in. Then there was this interview thing which required us to answer some question, and the girl beside me was like forever interrupting me whenever I spoke. *Pissed*. Then, the guy on the other side was forever giving the standard answers like he's sitting for an exam, while the Chinese struggled to find answers for some of the question. Pissed*. As a result, I failed to shine. In fact I was dimmed. And when it comes to cheering, which is somehow one of my strengths, I was totally PISSED*. They ganged up on me, saying that they are all from Slithas and thus, can't cheer Zephon's cheer. How nice!!?! What about me?! Excuse me! It is Zephon they are in now, and not the snake or wolf, isn't it?! PISSED* After that, I went to find a special someone. I was in PE pants because the buckler of my pants had came off once again. This wasn't the first time, and ya, I was PISSED*. It was the sight of that special someone which calmed me down a little. Today's a special day. Finally, I helped her put on the necklace, and the pact was signed. Chatted quite a while, and saw her home.
Today's a special day, Today's a special day For you and me! Thanks you _ _ Thank you _ _ now and for~ever!


Posted by Judah at 1/28/2008 04:23:00 AM

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Green green day

Today was a Sunday, supposedly a go-church day, but ended up becoming a go-green day. In other words, today was unusually a schooling day despite it being Sunday. Thus, like any other schooling day, the dreadful feeling of having to wake up so early in the morning, and the half-asleep slouching back of all the aches you get from insufficient sleep. I gave Kah a call in the morning to ascertain the reporting time. Online bulletin showed that it's 0800h, and I was pretty sure about it. So I left house at 0700h, an 1-hour dedication to travel. After all, morning traffic for Sundays can't be that bad. I mean, people would rather stay at home to rest, wouldn't they? It was only until Kah told me the reporting time was 0745h that I became a little panicky. Fortunately, I met Evelyn and FongRui on the bus, which kinda soothes the tension a little. At the assembly ground, there was this briefing going on, and the ambiance was nice- no work to worry about. Though there was a little commotion during the division into groups. So off we went to some blocks in the Bedok vicinity. We were split into groups, sub-split into smaller teams, sub-sub-split into smaller couples, regrouped into teams, and sub-split into threes. So in the end I was stranded with two unfamiliar faces- XinHui and ChengYi (amazingly, I remembered their name). So level by level, we did our duty, door to door, lift to lift, block to block. Super tiring, but fruitful. At least I managed to train up my arms a little. Besides, one of the households was really sweet. There was this auntie who asked a lot about us- where we are from, who are we helping etc. She was worried that some swindler might impersonate as students to swindle her things. She was referring to the rag-and born man I guess. So of course we tried to assure her of our identity. After that, my XinHui told me that the auntie liked me because from what she saw, the auntie was forever looking at me and didn't even look at her, and that she sensed absolute trust from it. I was flattered, but i was happier than I was flattered. Being trusted upon something simply gives us the kind of honor and reliance. Then we went to the last block, and did the combined group one. By the time we finished, it's around lunch time. The RC there was kind enough to cater us with lunch-super sumptuous buffet. And I had this decaffeinated coffee, which was so bitter*Bleh*. And I got to know this girl who happened to be one of the House Committee's committee- MeiYi. She recognised me from the dialog session where I led a cheer, and she was there blaming me for not being able to remember names. I mean I don't really put ion effort to remember names what. What to do? But ya, I now remember le=) There was also this Michelle from rock-climbing who didn't recognise me at first, but initially identified me to be the 'super enthusiastic guy who climbed the wall so many times during the exhibition'. Well, our direct seniors are a bunch of fun people too=). Glad to meet them. After that we had a little small gathering at the Mcdonald's nearby, chilled a little, chatted a little, before going off. Me, JinYong, MingYu, LiLing, and ShiYing went on bus to Bedok interchange, where we met SinYee and WenShin. So we stood at the walkway and chatted for pretty long. It was nice, and there was also this little chat about the orientation group leader interview the next day, and there was also this speculation that I wanna become clan master. =) I stole the limelight there! After that, I went home. Dozed off on the bus, and dah dah dah... I'm home. Had a long nap. My elder sister came when I was sleeping. And when I woke up, she was already leaving... Then I came on, did my JAE, and started blogging. Until now...


Posted by Judah at 1/27/2008 03:32:00 AM

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Satuday- when terminal 3 starts to flood, with human flow

Saturdays are probably a day puts on a friendly and amiable front with an energy-draining nature. I mean we always thought that Saturdays are the ones which allow us to catch a breath from the busy after 5 busy weekdays. However, the truth is somehow a huge contradiction to the thought. Well, at least my Saturday never fulfilled it's criteria out thoughts have set it to be. Indeed, today was a busy Saturday. Solely for the fact that I was too soft-hearted. Mimi told me that she had a relapse of her conditions, and there I was agreeing to help out again. So today was the second day I worked after school reopened. Another day at terminal 3's really big shop. 9 hours of consecutive standing and walking around had left the ache in both my foot, as well as my back. I'm an old old man... I've informed her before-hand that I would be leaving at 2000h, but there was still sudden influx of a big crowd, followed by a small one, and then another one. An almost undying crowd. So I was delayed all the way until 2230h. *Tiring* Today was more of an emotional struggle because I'm still not used to not being able to do what I've always done- to talk with that person. Aright today's very tired so I guess I shall just end here...


Posted by Judah at 1/26/2008 08:06:00 AM

Friday, January 25, 2008

Back to work...

Today was a Friday, also a day after the O'levels results were released. Morning sky was exceptionally clear today, and the first thing I did was to think of clone. Thus, I messaged her, and the two of us watched the rare beauty of the sky from two different areas- Tampines and Tanah Merah. Viewing things from different perspectives gives you an entirely different feeling, and I wonder if viewing objects from different geographical locations gives us a different sentiment. Whatever the answer, I guess me and clone shared the same sentiments. That's what I deciphered from the telepathic effect, and at least that's what she told me too. I just realised I hadn't really been writing about her recently. So we messaged a bit while I was on the bus. Soon enough I reached the school, pretty early. So I decided to take a stroll around the sports complex, and sat there through the entire stretch of time before assembly started. Morning sky was nice, the skyline behind the school was nice, the silhouette of vanishing shadows were nice too. It was only half-day school today. Therefore, we were allowed to leave school after the first period- civics, where we were supposed to update the school about our future plans. I reached home at around 1000h, still in the morning, and my sister told me that my supervisor called to check if she's available today to stand in for a colleague. My sister was having her exam today, so she gave me the opportunity. I didn't want to work, but for the sake of that few dollars- salary, I was tempted into doing it, despite my wish against it. Have been spending too much, and need to spend more soon. So, cash is important. Reported at 0130h, an hour earlier than normal. It was my first time working at terminal 3. The shop was intimidating- so big and empty. I spent most of the time walking around, literally doing nothing. Then I was deployed to terminal 2 to do some photocopying for the many documents, for the only reason being Mimi's dislikes towards the paper of the fax machine in terminal 3. That was also when when a friend visited. I got her to wait for me at terminal 2's sky train waiting area, and the wait was a long- one hour wait. I'm terribly sorry. Then, I went back to terminal 3 to deliver the completed things, and asked Mimi for permission to go for break, so that my friend didn't have to wait anymore. I was expecting some nagging or lecturing, but all these didn't happen. Mimi let me off just like that. So initially, we walked around terminal 3 as neither of us was very familiar with the place, but only to realise that time was pressing on us. So we took the sky train to the more familiar terminal 2, and had Cappuccino while she had hot Milo, at the Coffeebean. There wasn't enough time for dinner. So I bought her a chicken puff. Yup, didn't want her to go hungry=) My colleague thought she was my girlfriend, which was so sweet=P. She had to leave at 1910h, where she took the train to her destination, while I returned to continue with my work- a long boring 4 hours. FuSheng was there because Sarah had recommended him. He was my Secondary school CCA-mate. So ya, kind of know him. So the night talked quite a lot, but the legs are acing from all the standing. At night while closing the door, I realised the biggest wonder of terminal 3- the biggest amazement. That all the shops were having close doors instead of shutters. The one amazing thing here was that the glass door was priced at $3 grand per piece of glass, and there were easily 20+pieces of them to deal with, and that each were hanging from the ceiling, standing as fragile as ever, with the sliding system to slide each piece into place making it more difficult. Otherwise, the doors were cool. There were also numerous on-lookers looking at me out of curiosity because of how the door works. I felt like an alien or a monster initially, but talked to them about the plight I'm in while doing the closing. Risk of smashing $60grand in a single night.

Posted by Judah at 1/25/2008 09:10:00 AM

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Closure to Secondary School's life

Today is another big day of many people. While some of the schools had the day off for its students, Temasek and Meridian are the amongst the few which had the school operating at half-day system. Hence, we still had got to report to school as per normal, and just as early. We had the first 3 periods of the timetable to attend before actual releasal, where the ex-NASians gathered and went back to where they used to belong. Time of waiting was long. I was so excited when I heard that the top student was a guy who scored 9 distinctions. There's only that many students who take 9 subjects, and only that many guys who take it. So, every point was like kind of pointing at me. Unavoidably, I felt that amount of excitement building upon me quickly. But of course, to be realistic, I knew how unreliable this kind of rumors can be. Hence, I was preparing myself for the worse simultaneously at the same time too. Firstly, there was a slide with the name of the people who scored 9 distinctions. 3 names were mentioned but I wasn't among them. Next was another slide with the name of students who scored 8 distinctions. 10 names were mentioned, but once again I was left out. So my thought then was, 'it's gonna be 2 'Bs' at least, which was way short of my expectation." I was so nervous. Like I always say- the period of waiting is never nice. Though my perspective has changed a bit recently- sometimes the period of waiting can be nice, especially when the thing you're waiting for is something pleasant. I got mine soon, and as expected it was two Bs. However, what I never expect was that the B-subjects happened to be both my language subjects- English and Higher Chinese. Big disappointment. I've expected A for both subjects, in fact, all subjects. Think on the other side, it wasn't a job that badly done. At least I got 7 distinctions which is only one less than the mentioned 8. Results:
English-B3 Higher Chinese-B3 Chemistry-A2 Physics-A2 Biology-A1 Elementary Math- A1 Additional Math- A1 Combined Humanities- A1 Chinese- A1
Hung around for a while and talked with many of the teachers. I'm opening up, and much more comfortable with conversation these days then how I used to fear talking with teachers. Then, we had soccer at the old place. Sun was blazing, and I played a little while, before going off for my regular stroll. Yesterday had given it a miss, so today should make up for it. Walked around the area again. I like the breeze here. Forever so nice and cooling. I sat at the bench beside the playground and watched the people playing with it and doing evening jog. Peaceful sight=) But there was this Indian guy who kept walking round and round, and he walked past me 3 times, taking the exact same route each time, which wasn't exactly very long. At night, feigned serious depression for a while. I was depressed but I exaggerated at home, so people were treating me good=). Haha, they didn't dare to shout at me or what at least=).
Walking up the slope=)


Posted by Judah at 1/24/2008 05:19:00 AM

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Get the Civics Group on!

Today was a Wednesday. I left house at 0700h in the morning, a time that would land me late in school on any other regular days. People were beginning to shower me with concerns if I still have enough money for meals. Speculations about the plight I'm in was spreading fast, though they were never true. TeckKian wanted to treat me to breakfast today, and Joel wants to treat me to lunch tomorrow. So my conclusion was that they are a lot of nice people around me... Was early today as school starts at 0805h every Wednesdays. So the orientation group met up for breakfast at the coffee shop which is immediately opposite school. It had been such a long time since the entire OG had come together. I missed those times. Anyway, I only ordered a cup of hot Milo as the meal itself had already been taken at home earlier. Day at school was becoming pretty much of a routine- lectures and tutorials, except that the slots for Biology was freed up to allow us to compile the information for the project. Hence, the group of us slacked in the Hub, led by their ever-mighty leader who completed 90% of the work before time- ME=P. Gavin was ostracized in the entire CG, and the act was led by none other than the ever-mighty leader himself-ME!=) Of course, this was an unusual act as instead of boycotting him ,we relate everything to him! Whatever tutors or lecturers ask, it's always Gavin or WeiLiang (his Chinese characters). That shows how influential I am in the group. Muahahahaha. Haha, frankly, I enjoyed teasing him=) Lunch was a treat from JinYong. He treated me, Gavin, SiHan and Chee Leong to his house behind the school. I like the what he referred to as the vegetarian duck. It's so crispy and tasty. Haha, had a filling share, and played with his dog. It's a Yorkshire Terrier in her 8 or 9 years old, considered as middle-aged for dogs. Then we went back to school for contact time. It was a talk by a lady who briefed us on some outreach programs which I had basically zero interest. I slept in the Lecture Theatre, naughty me=). But Clone's worse, she slept throughout the Biology lecture if I'm not wrong. Naughtier right? =P There was also this guy who came in (I forgot his purpose of visiting already. In fact, I didn't catch him when he said it. I was still sleeping=P) and gave some talking while I continued to sleep. Only until the part when there's this Sudoku challenge for CGs, then I woke up. Contributed a little to the entire puzzle ,and our CG finished 4th amongst 30+ odds CGs. A farily good result, but the first one was pervert-ically fast( meaning fast until it's a little pervertic=P). Then the ambiance suddenly changed. A familiar scene- orientation! We started cheering, I led my CG's. So here we went, "2-5- sexy or not?!?!" And gladly, I was met with cool replies, "Sexy!" However, the length of time from orientation is making my brain rust. I was stuck and ya, awkward. Even for the three cheers cheer was forgotten. How could I? I got stuck twice. Otherwise it was very cool. Second orientation's coming and the spirit is high again! I like one scene when we countered a cheer! Got once when one CG from the house of Slithas did the house's trade mark cheer of the "baik baik baik". I heard it an so I responded pretty instinctively by initiating Zephon's trademark- "2-5- sexy or not?" 3X, followed by a sexy clap. It was so loud and shaking that everyone in the theatre basically stopped and watched us finished the cheer before more cheers came on! Orientation fever's coming again! Get high together, next time shall lead ecstasy cheer=P. Went home on bus with SiHan, talked to him a lot about how important I'm looking at building profile in Junior College. Yeap, analysis etc, and we saw a boy who dozed off and knocked his head onto the window by the seat. It was literally many knocks because each was so loud. Was supposed to go for the stroll as promised, but something held me back. Yup, I was bothered by many things, so I gave it a miss. Only until now that the cloud is cleared. Yup, mood is turning so much for the better. Tomorrow's the releasing of results, so ya, wish everyone all the best!=)


Posted by Judah at 1/23/2008 03:28:00 AM

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

triple attacks

Today was Tuesday. I went to school alone, as the group was off and no free rides from today onwards. Love the morning sky though, so clear yet so nice. Faith is all that i need to succeed in whatever I'm gonna do, I need to have faith in myself. I was almost late for school today. Reporting venue was changed to the Auditorium at the last minute. Link up the two, I was almost late and I almost got lost in school today. So, to conclude, I didn't have a good start for the day. Here's a the day's schedule:
  1. China Studies in Chinese (watched a Chinese movie which was nice, and was attacked by gastric)
  2. Break(Slacked)
  3. Chemistry (lecture and some re-teachings) ps. I finally understand le=)
  4. Math tutorial (only managed to finish 5 questions in 50 minutes, I didn't listen though)
  5. General Paper (did the presentation for Invisible Singapore. Though it was a last minute one which I stayed up to 3 in the morning to do, and we only had 6 slides, but I thought our presentation was the best today=) Kudos)
  6. Lunch (hunger strike-went to Hawker though)
  7. Project Work(Had a long lesson. I've already forgotten the content though)
  8. Chinese Language Literature (essay writing. Second attack by gastric)
  9. Physical Education (3.2km run. #rd and the most ultimate gastric struck)
  10. Dismissal but didn't go home today. Went to the MRT station and sat there for an hour plus. The breeze was nice, and there was a couple of Victorians who were playing boomerang in front of me. Carefree=)
  11. Stroll around the vicinity and sat down at the playground. The wind is still as cooling and the sky so blue. The Korean siblings were playing with the swing and so much memories came back at the sight of it. Remember out childhood time=)
  12. Walk around and saw a Husky(my favourite)
  13. Went home after that.
Today was a relaxing day, the pace was nice and the things that happened were wonderful. Memories after memories, I will create and make them shine=) Unforgettable first-time. So glad that so many people cared for me so much- Joel, Faith and Teck Kian=) (and those whom I've missed out. I will sort it out and figure out a way to curb this gastric thing).


Posted by Judah at 1/22/2008 05:19:00 AM

Monday, January 21, 2008


It's just like the first few entries of the blog. When this blog was only a few-posts old, there used to be many entries that were written early in the morning to recount for what had happened the day before. Today is the 22nd of January and yet I'm still writing the entry for the 21st. I didn't want to stay up so late on my own will, but was very much to a point, forced by situation. By the way, now is already 0303h in the morning, and I guess I will be having a mathematics test the next day. So one word to sum up my current plight- death. I'm courting death. So the day's morning wasn't particularly bright. I was late. And BaoHui didn't look too happy about that. I first thought she was being unhappy about me, only to realise much later that she was having the usual mood-swing in the morning. Well, relieved at least. I do understand that though. After all, I sometimes experience the same thing too. So I hurried to the old meeting point. On the way, I saw this two stars in the sky that were so bright. The sky's pretty clear in the morning, and ya, the stars were beautiful. Clone, did you see them also?=) So school was boring as usual. Had lectures and tutorials, but my brain's failing me now, that I can't really recall what happened. What I remembered was that I officially quited Chinese Orchestra, which if I'm not wrong, I hadn't really joined in the first place. Then I went to take pictures with Gavin. This was last minute work as the deadline is tomorrow(today's morning). I took a bus, thoughts were carried to somewhere else. Someone on the train. Then I dozed off, and the wound hit against window when the bus drove on the journey. By the time I woke up, it's already a little swollen. At home, the pain worsen, and I napped a little. Anyway, I feel like fainting. So, it's unclear if I had fallen asleep or lost conscious for 0300 hours. The long rest didn't help though. The pain was still there, but no choice, we had to rush for the project. So I came online. Gavin did some already, and I felt apologetic towards him for making him solo. So I started out. The group was originally 5 people, but only me and him did, because the others were unavailable. Tiring task. In the end, Gavin went off too. So, I soloed too. All the way until now. They owe me big time! One shot 3 projects.... And ya, I'm dead beat... When the thoughts go to somewhere and doesn't return, that means it has already found somewhere to reside in- the heart of that person. He is missing you-) Your la-la-la, and the many lols, which you said were how you smile. I'm happy that you smile because I'm the source of happiness for you=) *yawn* It's another long day ahead...


Posted by Judah at 1/21/2008 11:00:00 AM

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Reborned, relieved, relived

Today was a dreadful morning... *rewind*
Today was a beautiful Sunday morning, where the brilliant red sun hung low over the morning sky, showering the peaceful land of earth with the most comfortable golden rays. However, it was made dreadful by a dilemma which involved so many implications. Shan't elaborate on that too much though. As I said too many implications were involved.
So service was on for today. I went out pretty early in the morning, dressed like a Christmas tree- black singlet with red shorts and a green jacket. So it was kind of awkward. But anyway, that was not the purpose here. One thing worth emphasising about today was how my stupidity had caused me to suffer. Act of intense stupidity number one- I wanted to jog to the church which is 2 stops away from my house (I was referring to Mass Rapid Transit Train stations, not bus). The idea itself was already a stupid one, but I did things which were more stupid. Firstly, I acted smart by deciding to go along the MRT trail. I mean the MRT track would end me up at the next station if I followed along it and jogged, wouldn't it? So I was smart. Only until I realise that I didn't know which one is to which direction (is it To Pasir Ris, or to Tanah Merah). Because of that, I took a detour to the bus stop which is only 5 minutes-walk from my house ,and took 20minutes. Here's what I did, I walked towards the MRT station and decided against it for fear of getting lost, so I U-turned back, which means I walked an extra 500m or so. Act of stupidity number two- I messaged throughout the journey, and somehow missed the bus stop. Bus 12 is a bus I took almost every single morning to school, yet I missed the stop. That's how bad distractions can affect out lives. Luckily, Joel replied in time to give me directions which allowed me to get down in time. One stop after, so I had to walked all the way back, which wasn't that bad. It was good enough, taking into considerations the ifs, that I've gotten off much later, that I might not have noticed it. Today's service started off with many songs. I love them, as well as the dance. One of them was I love you Jesus something something one, while the other one was about the Splendor King or something one. All the songs were nice. Auntie Yipeng(I'm already calling her that despite knowing her only today) sang really well. She can really sing. Then we had some youth program in the third floor counseling centre. We had this talk by Auntie Gween(I actually remembered) on media. To be specific, it's actually about how the media affects us and how we should respond to it, and how we should respond to it. The discussion was pretty fruitful. In the afternoon, we had this music lesson program conducted by some musically-inclined church members. So, I joined the keyboard one. It was cool. I'm gonna learn keyboard, and Joel, Jolyn, and Alvin are learning with me too. We learnt some cords- G-major, C-major, A-minor, and D-major. Difficult to stretch the fingers, but ya... I'm looking forward to playing it well. Then had this study group with Joel, Faith and Jolyn. I discovered the loving side of Joel. He treated Jolyn so well. He's a wonderful brother I guess. Yup, that sort of sum it up for today. I'm not feeling well... had curry just now.. and am having so many butterflies in my tummy. it's becoming a garden...


Posted by Judah at 1/20/2008 05:19:00 AM

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Clone's birhday

Today's a Saturday, today's clone's birthday, today's the day I remove my stitches, today's the day my orientation group had this outing which I didn't go, today's the day I did got some paperwork done(finally got mom to sign), today's the day I went grocery shopping with my mom, today's also the day where many things happened. Might be the turning point of life. Saturday meant that the polyclinic was gonna operate half-day. Yes, the doctor referred me to a polyclinic to have my stitches removed. Why a polyclinic? It's gonna take so long, I very much rather it be at any other hospital though. But can't help, went to the clinic as early as 0900h. Ate into my recuperating time for weekends. So I was restless, eye bags were deep, and feet were heavy. Mom came along. I capped a lot with her to kill time. Well, you get to wait as long as 0400h in polyclinics especially Saturdays. I waited for 3. Another thing about polyclinic is that they keep referring you from room to room, departments to departments until you feel that you have covered every area in that building. That's how bad it was. So during one of the break time, I asked my mom a mathematical question: What's 12345+54321? Looks easy here, but might be a little trouble when you don't have the thing written out, but on second thoughts, it's really very easy. Simply add every first digit to last digits and you will get 66666. Simple yea, as long as the sum doesn't exceeds ten in each placing, then it should be. It's lame though. Well, as the adults are getting more senior each day, it's essential for them to keep fit both physically and mentally. So, I suggested this to her. At least it's a good platform for her to use the brain (think). At the end of the 2 hours, I finally got the uncomfortable stitches removed. It turned out that the previous night I've already removed one myself, so the nurse couldn't find the third one. -_-" After that, we went to the income place to do up the paperworks. Finally got the sum to buy my laptop. Haha. I was the translator between the man and my mom. I like him. The service was good as he was a little unsure of the things he said too. At least he doesn't have the air there. =) Then we went to fairprice for some grocery shopping. Bought many vegetables and stuffs. Finally we got home. By the way, I surrendered my atm card to mommy. Spent too much over the past few days. Heeded advice from clone, so no atm for me for the remaining many many days. Somewhere in late afternoon, my sister offered me a sip of the Japaneses plum wine. It tasted not bad. I've finally found an alcohol which is within the acceptable range. Frankly, I never liked alcohol-beer or wine or champagne. I like none, but I found this not bad. Because of that, I am a lousy drinker too, so ya, one sip was all it takes to make me fall. I had a 2-hour nap. Yup. Well, that should be about it for today. A little hungry now, because I missed my dinner. Hunger strike on the go...


Posted by Judah at 1/19/2008 10:14:00 AM

I withdraw

Sorry, but I can't hide anymore. I like her and that can't be helped. But I will just hope for the best for you. Losing you as a friend would be such a great pain, but as long as you're happy, that shall be the way. People have told me that friends are hard to come by, especially true friends. And I believe that you're one great one. I cherish this friendship very much, serious. And if I've caused you any problems, I'm totally apologetic for them. Even though I've said it so many times, but that's exactly what I feel. I feel like telling her so much, but the 'you' factor is holding me back. Well, I guess I'm doing not too bad since I've yet to pour it out to her despite her probings. Ya, the sight hurts, and the wound on my heart wasn't any less deep than yours, especially when I've already made you a promise to help you after her. I fulfilled my promise and I bleed even more. Then, I realise if I were to go, to suddenly disappear from your lives, both yours and Faith, maybe all of us would feel so much better. At least I don't have to face the awkwardness. Yesterday was the happiest night because I saw her smile, and saw her touched. But, it was also the saddest night because I wasn't able to voice out my thoughts, my feelings and all. I wasn't acting normal, because I wasn't able to. If this goes on, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to hold it back any further. This was the first time I wasn't able to tell a girl frankly about how I feel, because of the 'you' factor. Ostracized or what doesn't matter anymore. All I hope was a place in the heart of both of you, to at leas retain me as a piece of memorable fun memory. Yup, and Joel, I hope you give me the permission to tell her about it. I promise to make myself scarce after that...

Posted by Judah at 1/19/2008 06:33:00 AM

Friday, January 18, 2008

What do you do when you fell in love with the person whom your best friend's too, fancy of? What do you do when you feel like a bastard after getting infatuated so easily simply for the wrong sake? What do you do when you promised your friend to help him out, but ended up giving him more troubles? What do you do when you are in the midst of losing everything? What do you do when you feel so apologetic towards everyone around you? What do you do when you're holding grievance against the master of life, for the fact that everything occurs against your wish? What do you do when you are bound to lose someone? A close friend or a special someone? What do you do when you're in for competition, but the competitor happens to be someone whom you last want to compete with? What do you do when things are falling out apart in front of you? What do you do if things are not going to help itself even if you're able to repeat it a thousand times? What do you do when you're already hurting your friend so deep despite how many spologies you made? What do you do when troubles occur amongst your best-ies that you have no one close enough to turn to besides them?
I'm in love with someone whom I should never have done so... I wish I've never appeared in this group, I wish I've never come this far, I wished I've never existed....

Posted by Judah at 1/18/2008 08:55:00 AM

The day

Today started off with an exciting day ahead, but ended with a much-regretted day behind. Today was the supposedly great day the three-some had been looking forward to so much, because we were coming together on this day to celebrate the birthday of the eldest clone amongst us. So, spirit was high today- didn't have the car-sickness I usually suffer, didn't have the aches and the dopping eye. It was a refreshing day, which wasn't particularly packed with lessons. Had plenty of breaks. So we started with physical education, where we ran a really long journey, with an extension of a slope and a lope round the previous route we ran. It was tiring, and we had more stretching after that. So, the injury in the head pronged the blood to flow upwards- there was a sudden gush of blood in the head area. *Dizzy* We had this house dialog in mid-afternoon, 1500h. Met with the so many familiar faces of my Orientation Group leaders as well as the our clan master- Trinity. Zephon~Zephon! So they briefed us on the coming up house eventswhich were supposedly going to take place after the JAE. And I was like telling the guy next to me to participate in almost every event- the typical enthusiastic me=). The last part of the session was a cheering recap to help the new members who have come into Alpha(Zephon) because of the reshuffling of the class. Well, welcome to Alpha, but it's a little sad that the original Orientation group was kind of cut and split into so many different houses. The only remaining ones from group 13 were only me, Gavin, Kaizan(who forgot my name today!), GaoHan, and MinYu. The original size was 40+ people, and it's less than 10 already. Of course, I remembered all of the cheers, except that I couldn't replace 'Zephon' which I was so used to with 'Alpha'- the rightful and original name of out house. Then they mentioned about this 17th or something House Committee which means the new batch whom the present ones would pass the baton onto. They mentioned about this nomination thing, and some next clan master thing, where I was literally 'sarbo-ed'. They requested for volunteers to lead one of the cheer during the recap, and tempted us with the offer of a 'better standing chance for house Committee'. Then the people around me started nudging me and saying things like, "you very enthu one what, go leh." "go, future ogl!" etc. And right at this point of time, Joel called, when all attention was on me, even that of the present house captain. So, I looked kind of weird there, but yet, I led that cheer. A little nervous though, but the experience was good. Another add-on to the original "orchestra or climbing or both" struggles". Now it becomes "House com or climbing or orchestra or either two?" After that, I went to meet up with Joel at Bedok bus terminal. He was in a pathetic state- big bags hanging down from either arm, including the cake we've ordered yesterday. He had gone to collect it before coming over. Then we searched half the Bedok for the materials for the surprise. Sparklers ain't easy to find these days. So we took the bus to East Coast Park, found a patch of grass and lay down all the things. Joel was doing some last minute touch-up on his card, while I did up the master plan behind the surprise. We found a ledge, started arranging the sparklers in the shape of F-A-I-T-H, and wrote many words around it. Our special surprise for clone=). Clone was here soon, and we showed her the surprise. The sparklers were not working as planned- so much smoke and lighted out so fast. So the thing wasn't entirely a success. But we tried our best, so yup, hope you like it, clone=) Then we went into the sea, drifted in it for nearly 0100h. So relaxing and so fun. It was cold though. They had their clothes changed before going for dinner, while I remained in my wet ones. Caught a little cold. But I touched the sky today, followed the outline=) Had dinner at some Japanese-Korean restaurant, which serve really big servings food. Then headed home after that. Got Joel to escort clone home, while I took the bus myself. Was kind of troubled by many things... Yup, silent night....


Posted by Judah at 1/18/2008 07:37:00 AM

Thursday, January 17, 2008

A day before

Well, so after writing the previous day's entry, it's finally back to today. I dozed off at 0200+h this morning, and came waking up as early as 0430h in the same morning. Actually, I woke up after clone did. Her message kind of woke me up early in the morning. Good clone, listen to what I said=). Hence, I took out the Geometric Progression (GP) worksheet and continued with the un-ended struggle with that particular question which had driven me to sleep earlier on, but to no avail again. Frustration got the better of me, and heat begun to build up in me. So, I turned to a second task which had been bothering me just as much- part of clone's present. So, it occurred to me that I've not lost much of the skills my brother had imparted me. The sketch wasn't as bad as I've expected it to be like. =) BaoHui's mom fetched us to school today, and we were almost late. Had this motion-sickness of car too because I didn't have my breakfast, and the stomach was churning, almost 180 degree. Today was Grace's birthday, so the entire Orientation Group (OG) gathered at the Marque area before assembly. I was late, nevertheless, I still joined them. Didn't have the appetite for cake, so stood there for a while, before going off to assembly ground. School's pretty slack today. I took bus with SiHan today, because I was going to Tampines Mall (TM). Somehow, managed to meet Joel there, though we hadn't arrange anything like this. Then, together we went to TM to look for cheese cake. Clone had told me earlier that she loves it, so yup, this shall be the birthday cake. She likes Durian cake too, but hm... Durian doesn't come to terms with me. Went to a few shop to browse and finally we settles at the Fall Leaf. Th others weren't as nice. Amazingly, I remembered a lot of things clone had told me, that she likes green and purple, that she can't take coffee, that she wants something hug-gable and close to the heart etc. So the wrappers' purple, there wasn't any coffee, I got the me to you bear for her to hug, and got this hear-shape necklace for her close-to-the-heart request. Hopefully she likes it. Of course, the sketch of my left hand reaching out to the moon would form the last part of the present. Clone's 17th birthday=) With lots of fireworks and laughters, while the breeze and the stars accompany us throiugh the night of celebration.=)


Posted by Judah at 1/17/2008 05:22:00 AM

Chant: "this is wednesday!"

This is Wednesday. Thursday has yet to arrive, and Friday is still 2 days away=p. Alright, Wednesday was a busy day. Baohui's dad fetched Bojun and me to school today, so we didn't have to squeeze into that packed morning bus, like every other day. We had numerous vacant periods during the first few hours of the day, and a few of us actually went to the classroom specially set aside for the Chinese Language Elective Program (CLEP) students during one of them. It is difficult to single out pro-Chinese students, needless to say Chinese novel lovers. However, life just offers us some treats when we're least expecting them. In my class was this guy who was named after the renowned HongKong writer, JinYong. Actually his name wasn't really JinYong, but Jun Rong. However, dialects and the pronounciation had embraced him with the honour to share that name. In the class were two other guys, namely SiHan and Gavin. So there we were, all four guys chilling out at the peaceful and comfortable CLEP room while waiting for the time to pass by steadily, until it was time for the next tutorial or next lecture. It was also then that I realised the presence of the many pugilistic members around me. They were so familiar with JinYong's pugilistic novels that what I've accumulated in the past few years were nothing but peanuts to theirs. Totally outshone. My pleasure to meet them. A pity we hadn't met earlier.=P Many hours passed. After the last period which was supposedly a talk during the contact time, I followed Kah Chin to the Chinese Orchestra room. That place felt so familiar yet distant. Ngee Ann Secondary school Chinese orchestra, the place where I belonged (2003-2007). It was a significant difference between the culture of the two. In front of me was one which possessed the skills, but doesn't have the air. A good culture, and a good orchestra, and a good conductor, and many many commitments. Small yet strong- an SYF-gold with honour Orchestra of 2007... I was tempted to join. Hence, tentative decision: Join both Pupil's Development Programs PDPs for the time being. Juggle the two, and enjoy the Preliminary Admission Exercise period, until Jae result's release. Tiredness overcame me once again that I gave up posting yesterday's entry. I've been working 'over-time' for the past few days so that I'll be able to free up both Friday and Saturday to enjoy myself to the fullest. 2 more days to go before clone's birthday=)
I wanna see you guys so much, so that my heart won't go ouch! ouch! ouch! to ache from the pain 'missing you' had caused as days and nights had come and passed 2 more days are all it takes 1 day to be exact to start from now when the 3-somes meet again clones come together to relieve the pain when we reach out to TOUCH THE SKY and sing the praises to the mighty lord who oversees us from where he is to bless us well and to bless us sound


Posted by Judah at 1/17/2008 03:57:00 AM

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Count down: 3 more days

Today was a special day. BoJun had swimming for the mass Physical Education(PE) which means he had to report to Bedok sports complex instead of the college. Envy*. I wanna swim too, but mine will only come in on the later part of the second schooling term (which is so very long). Besides, BaoHui's mom or dad(I forgot) fetched her to school. Therefore, I went to school alone today, the first time since school starts. That was why it's pretty special. Messaged clone early in the morning, because I woke up at 4 to do some homework. Talked about touching sky again, which is supposedly the most common thing among the two of us. It's so amazing to have someone who behaves so similarly to myself in one way or the other, and I love that kind of feeling. As if there's the kind of telepathic effect linking us up, and yup, clone-y feeling=) I mentioned telepathic effect, and I guess it's also because of that that Clone got lectured by her vice principal. I mean perhaps my bad luck has been passed on to her through that linkage. My day didn't start off smoothly either. I had one of the worst presentation in my life during General Paper(GP), a total disappointment. We had Chinese Language Literature(CLL) too, but today's tutorials were mostly slow-paced one introductory ones. So Mdm Peng allowed us to interview anyone within the classroom, in order to prepare the materials for the essay writing which was fixed on the same period the coming next week. After that, we had the mass PE. The sky was already turning dark by then. We did some stretching to loosen up some of the really tight muscles(been long since last exercised). Then we were told to jog a round around the school's sports complex. Had a good short-distanced jog which ended me in the first few position. Getting into position, another set of warm-ups followed up closely. Did some stretching here and there, some push-ups, and finally, the long run around the entire exterior of the school compound, which stretched pretty deep into the residential (terrace house) area behind the school, before completing the round at the school's canteen. I've got a medical condition on my head, and had been barred from strenuous sports by the doctor, Hence, I approached two of the teachers, whom both told me to have a slow jog with the rest. But why would I want a slow jog, when I should be somewhere at the front? So, I picked up a little speed, and followed dearly behind the fast-runners. The downward slope was a good place, helping me to accelerate a little more. By the time we were at the last stretch of the run, I picked up speed and overtook some of the people. *Satisfaction*. It was just before I entered the school gate that the rain suddenly poured heavily. The wind was strong, and worse still, it's blowing my way. So I was like having difficulty breathing already, but I continued to run. the last stretch- the cold and difficult terrain. Thankfully, I was one of the first 5 to reach the school ( I forgot my actual position already). It's already good enough, considering the fact that we were also running with the J2 students simultaneously. Beating them really gave me a lot of satisfaction, especially so when that J2 class was a Panthera class. Haha. Then we took a long detour back to the complex to avoid being drenched, though we already were, thoroughly. That was when my weak body protested- I shivered, my head spun, my vision split, my teeth tattered, and my calf hurt... I was craving for water, after long hours of drought in my bottle. We waited at the canteen for a while and rested before finally setting off for home. Bad luck started to fade, but a little of it still persisted. My mobile ran low on battery, and I wasn't able to reply clone's message and Joel's message. So frustrated can?! So the first thing I did when I reached home was to charge it, on it, and reply them=) I'm so very looking forward to Friday. 3 more days to go=)


Posted by Judah at 1/15/2008 04:16:00 AM

Monday, January 14, 2008

Returning to school

After that incident that Friday, where I was carried away in an ambulance, today's the first time I'm setting foot on that piece of familiar grounds once again. I didn't know how far the news about me cracking my head had traveled, but one thing was for sure that almost every one whom I knew started probing me about the day's incident when they saw me. That's how efficient the communication network of Temasek Junior College is. Today was the first day real lessons begun. We have lectures followed by tutorials, followed by lectures and followed by yet another tutorial. Today was also the first time we are having Project Work(PW), a new add-on in addition to other paper-based subjects. Mr Kwan was coincidentally some supervisor for PW of my class. He was the one who went with me to Changi Hospital the previous Friday in place of Miss Dawn, as she was on medical leave. So ya, I was the only person in the whole Civics Group 25 whom he knows of. And thus, inevitably, everything to do with volunteering would have my share included. True enough, I was appointed the PW representative of the class. Besides, since today was the first lecture, self-introduction was a must in almost every tutorials. If I'm not wrong, we did a total of around 4 introductions today. Pretty much, yea? After school, I walked with Yu Ning and Gavin to the interchange. Yu Ning and I took the Mass Rapid Transit Train, while Gavin went for the bus. I met with Joel at Tampines Mall and went hunting for a suitable birthday present for clone. Yup, went from Tampines Mall to Century Square, and yet, we bought nothing. Literally nothing. Not even a cup of drink to quench my thirst. So, we just went around shopping blindly until we met Jonas. Chatted for quite a bit. Then left the place empty-handed. Came online, and chatted with clone and Joel, as I always do.


Posted by Judah at 1/14/2008 04:43:00 AM

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sleep in day

It was a beautiful Sunday morning. The sun wasn't too dazzling, and the weather wasn't too hot. I had originally wanted to do some jogging early in the morning, from my house in Tampines to All Saints. However, I suffered from gastric again. The doctor's prescription wasn't very effective, yea. So I slept in pretty comfortably until Clone's morning-call message was received. So I struggled to get up, but to no avail. My arms were wake, and my head spinning. And worse of all, gastric struck again. The sharp pain at the side of the abdomen- unbearable! Hence, I've no choice but to skip today's service and Youth's activity. I messaged Clone an Joel, and each of them gace me the remedy to soothe the pain. Clone said drink hot milk and Joel said drink hot Milo. Clone even went to the extent to buy me milk. Wow, I was so touched. It was such a shame that I've to miss today's activity. Yup, so I slept in a little longer. Mom returned from work at 1200+ h to accompany to the Edusave Ceremony. A little contented that I've been getting this award for 9 consecutive years, but a lot of grievance that I'm still unable to secure the scholarship award despite trying herder and harder each time. Well, that's the sacrifice I've to made since I've chosen to enroll as a special stream student. Competition amongst the top seed is so tensed! I saw Phay Key, Baohui, Jing Yu, and Koknma at the community centre(where the ceremony took place). A majority of the people there were, like me, successive winners of the award except for the few(5 or 6). Baohui asked me about my wound and I showed it to her, and caught up a little, until the ceremony started. I was still down on my luck today- surrounded by females in all 8 directions. Mr Wong came very soon, and after a round of applauds, it eventually died down, and numerous of them left after getting the cheaque despite the MC's reminder for us to wait until the ceremony end as a full. Then, I went to Fairprice to do some grocery shopping with my mom after that. Bought many things, and I heeded clone's advice to buy milk=) I bought 3 cartons! Hang around a little, and I passed by one Jewellery shop. Some necklaces caught my eye, but still, didn't go in to have a look. Shall go another time. I wonder how many times have I taken the medicine already. Shall take another serving before I sleep tonight. Yup, that should be all. By the way, I was informed that I was put into a cell in All Saints Youth. Was separated from Joel, but remained in the same group as Deqi and clone, and of course, Jolyn. =). Ought to be quite fun, though it's still very awkward to even be allocated to a cell, when I don't even belonged there officially. Ohs well, at least my identity and presence are recognised at All Saints=).


Posted by Judah at 1/13/2008 02:06:00 AM

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Today was Saturday. The effect from the drug has allowed me to finally have a good and long and proper sleep. In fact ever since, I returned from hospital yesterday, I've been sleeping throughout most of the time. So, it's easily more than 1000h already. I woke up this morning at 0900h. It was extremely refreshing. So I woke up to check my phone to realise that there were a few greeting messages sent by the very caring friends of mine to ask about my conditions. I was kind of happy that there were so many people who cared about me=) Freshened up, I decided to do a bit of my tutorials and read up on some notes. Tick-tock-tick-tock, time flew past rather quickly, and before I even realised, it was already 1300h+. I was so diligent today=P. Soon Faith and Joel came to visit me with a bouquet of sunflower (to be exact, a stalk of it) and a card. This was the second time Joel came to visit me since I cracked my head. So nice and thoughtful of him=) No regret making him my best pal=) And of course, Faith. She came also, despite knowing me for like less than a month=). So nice of her too. No regret making her my clone=). After that, we went off. Tampines area is supposedly my turf, so I led the way. We went to 201 area, and had lunch there. I skipped mine because I had late breakfast earlier on, and the drug I had before they came was taking effect. I was losing my appetite, and drowsiness was flooding in. So throughout the journey, I believe I was the most silent one. We walked to the central area from block 201. The sun was so swelteringly scorching hot, that it made my already pretty weak body almost cannot stand. Drowsiness was at its zenith during these period, those that can really make me collapse kind. Luckily, I pulled through. So we loitered around the two malls- Tampines mall and Century Square. Went in to the Zion's if Im not wrong, it's a shop which sells Christian items. Then we went to Haagen Daz, Joel decided to give Faith a treat on the ice cream, and I second the idea. Clone was supposed to choose, but she insisted me to choose instead. So I selected the (I forgot what was the name already)... Then we get to choose the flavours of the ice cream to put into that dish. I choose two- tiramisu and coffee, Clone chose two- green tea and strawberry, Joel chose two too- lemon sobert and belgian chocolate. He and his weird taste=). I simply can't stand sour stuffs, sorry yea. And true enough, I still remained the most down-on-luck person there. Tiramisu was out of stock, so I chose the chocolate with chips one. The dish tasted not too bad on the overall, but not to my expectation. Haha. We went to the Neo-print store at the top floor after that. This was the first time Joel actually took Neo-prints. He enjoyed pretty much I guess. And I did too. We got so many weird poses and had so much difficulties reading Japanese, but yet, we had so much fun too! Two rounds of shootings- a total of 34 pictures I think. And I spent 26bucks in the total. Haha. Very quickly, it was already evening. Good bye to laughters, good bye to Saturday, and Good bye to clone and Joel! Gastric struck me at the right time. If it had been slightly earlier, I wouldn't have been able to make it to the second shooting. But, I still couldn't hide the weakness in me after losing so much blood. I didn't even have the strength to do some hangings, I was shivering... I doubt anyone had noticed though. Well, the day's almost over, and I forgot to take medication. Haha, sotong me. But what to do? Can only wait until the next one...


Posted by Judah at 1/12/2008 05:02:00 AM

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hole in the head

Today was the much anticipated Friday- the last school day of the week, which marked the approaching of an eventful weekend. It was also when the first training of rock-climbing starts. I've been looking forward to this so much, never to expect me to actually miss it. However, fate defies wants. All the things I wanna do so much, and yet I'm unable to do all of them. Here's how the day begun... BaoHui was finally reunited with us to go to school today. We had two lectures today- Biology and Chemistry, and the first period was Literature. So, it was kind of like the first period was a free one. So, me, Kah, Bryan and some other friends went to play soccer. We borrowed the ball from the store, and begun the game... At first it started off with light passings, and gradually it escalated to become a soccer game. I came so close to scoring one, but was brilliantly block by Bryan. He is good=). Then we continued on, when the event of the day happened. It was supposedly a set-piece, so I was aiming for the ball. Bryan was defending me , so he was too heading for the ball. So both of us jumped, and none of us got it, but instead we got a head on collision, a real hard one. I landed on all fours, only to realise my head was dripping a lot of water, before making out the colour of blood. Then I was accompanied to the General Office. I could tell that Bryan was shocked. My blood just wouldn't stop bleeding, and if I hadn't remembered wrongly, there was a large puddle of blood where I fell, and along the way to GO. My face were covered in blood too, plenty of them Some of the seniors were looking at me when I walked past them. The principal was there, friends were there, some of the other personnels were also there. They were so worried about me, while I acted as if nothing has happened. Perhaps I hadn't seen myself, so wasn't really aware of how bad my condition was then. So, I just kept talking and talking. A little chatty today. Mom was at work, sister never picked up phone, so in the end rung big sister. She rushed over from Raffles to the hospital. So nice of her, thanks so much. It came to my awareness now that the people there were a little troubled by me, because I was really noisy and chatty, and I kept talking and talking. Kind of annoying. Then the school rung the ambulance and mentioned something about stitches. I was so shocked upon hearing that, because that means I will have to shave my head. I just got a haircut the day before... Ambulance was there before we noticed, and I continued to talk. Chatted quite a little with the attendants through out the journey. One of the guys was from Ngee Ann secondary- my direct senior, who graduated at year 2004, the year I went in. Then I was provided with a wheelchair where Mr Kwan, one of the school's teacher, wheeled me. My Civics tutor was on medical leave today. So, Mr Kwan accompanied me at the hospital for quite a while, and yes, I chatted with him too. He was in TJ around a decade ago. So, he is also my senior. I took some statements with a nurse, and was orientated to the room of a doctor, where more checking-ups were done. I chatted with this doctor too. Went for an X-ray scan. Didn't know we have to lean against the board to take a film. The nurse who helped me take was nice, but the one who serves the incoming report was never suitable in the service segment. I actually saw her shouting at one of the patients impatiently. Foul attitude!* Then I was sent to another department to get some titer or what thing which is supposedly to prevent any infection of the wound, particularly blood poisoning. It' not an anti-biotic though. So once, again I chatted with the nurse again. Was once again wheeled to another room, where we waited for another like 20 minutes, before the doctor came with his nurse. By that time my sister was already there, so again, I chatted with her too. In the operation room, the skin above my skull was anesthetized, so I can only feel a little tug and pull on the wound, but not the pain. My eyes were covered up during the process, but I was still talking to the doctor and nurse. Yes, I was conscious throughout the process. And I managed to find out I had only 3 stitches at that area, despite the very fact that they told me it's around 3 to 4 centimeters, which is pretty big. After that, we did some logistics stuffs- paying, collecting medication etc. We took a cab to my mom's work place, to inform her, since I couldn't link up with her since morning. She looked so damn worried. Sorry mom... Taxi fare wasn't exactly that high, I mean it's only $4.80. Acceptable huh? Bought some fish soup, to go with rice. Hyper activity drained my energy really fast, and in addition to that ,the amount of blood I lost today. I'm beginning to feel restless. I just want something light and easy to swallow...


Posted by Judah at 1/10/2008 09:23:00 PM

Commencement ceremony

Today was a Thursday and it was the first since schooling starts. We got the last-minute backing out again. Frankly speaking, I wasn't expecting much actually. After all, this was not the first time already. Today's bus was a little packed- no empty seat, and thus no space for us to read notes. We had the commencement ceremony today during assembly, during which the seniors would line up beside their direct juniors(from the same class) and help us put on the collar pin to kind of welcome us to Temasek Junior College. I love the pin. It's gold in colour and there's this chain following through, and that made it look really professional. The guy who helped me wear it was the student councilor of the class. His name was Sean if I hadn't remembered wrongly. The girl behind him was Stella, and the guy in front him was Jun Wei. Well, I looked the more initiative one there. I would say that the seniors were really nice. They actually bought us candies=). However, they were shy also. In order to relieve the awkwardness, I randomly shook their hands and welcomed them to TJ. Some of them were shocked because that should be their job. Haha Today I had only one lesson- the math, and it was all the way break for me until the end of the day. So the day was really slack-ish. Although I felt the sense of belonging to my secondary school stronger (probably because TJ is such an unfamiliar place to us), we had plenty of laughters at TJ. Perhaps because I've already lost track of what real happiness means. I would say that the laughters we had these days are all results of a stimulus which just happens to trigger the laughing mechanism in us. The most happy event in life would be when I've gotten my PSLE results. That was true happiness. Hopefully, a similar scenario will reenact itself the coming end of January. We joked around and laughed our heads off, but that was just feeling entertained. Was a little ecstatic, a little crazy, but zero happiness. I went to collect my long awaited pay. Green and flowery notes. Woots! The day has finally come. Days of hard work, and record-breaking. Muahahaha. It's 1831h in the evning of 10/01/2008. Writer, tiong Wei has just completed his entry, and he's looking forward to some day, some day when the old friends come around for reunion...


Posted by Judah at 1/10/2008 01:55:00 AM

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Start Late-r

Today was Wednesday. School started slightly later than other days. It's one special day of the week, where people who love to sleep may enjoy half an hour more of the dream fairy's company. School starts at 0805h every Wednesday. I met with Bojun and the two of us went school together. (Baohui gave us the last minute back-out again). We saw Aisha on the bus. Her hair was untied, and I couldn't recognise her, only until when I saw the band on her wrist. Look out for that! You can actually identify her through that=P. We actually did some reading up of the chemistry notes on the bus. That was the first time ever I'm so diligent. We arrived pretty early, and I left him for my Orientation Group gathering. Sorry Bojun=P We played the Sally game which was pretty lame, but fun in a sense. Unfortunately, not many people get the game. So we switched to Wacko soon after. I had the Chemistry lecture, followed by a break, followed by General Paper, followed by Chinese literature, and then followed by Civics. Special emphasis to Chinese literature and General Paper. Unbelievably, I liked it more than I did for China Studies in Chinese. The teacher wasn't exactly nice, but I just like her. Her name doesn't suit her also- Peng You er, an Auntie in her forties? Haha, I'm being so evil.=P I had lunch with Kah Chin and his gang. The Yong Tau Fu there were cheap- $0.15 per piece. The food worth it all, but I wonder if it's the cause of the butterflies on my tummy now. Returned to school, had this really long talk given by the HOD of physical education, before the event of the day finally kicked off. It's the exhibition of the Pupil's Development Program, short termed 'PDP'. I've actually decided upon which to take long ago already, so I strolled around with Bojun, until there's no place else to stroll. Contacted Daryl, and we started the trial on the artificial wall. Climb and climb, so tiring yet so fun. I climbed so many times, but Daryl climbed more. These are all real competitors. I would have to strive and train harder in order to outshine to benefit my portfolio. Got once, I almost got killed, and that was when I regretted signing the pact on agreeing to the terms that I am responsible for my own safety. There was this once, when I started climbing, but the more I climbed, the more I felt something was not right. Why was the belaying rope so loose? I turned and realised my belayer was actually talking with another guy! I immediately retreated down. Fortunately, I hadn't gone high then. If I had fell, that would be as good as killing myself! And Temasek would have lost another good student=P. Well, that part was funny, but I know he didn't mean it. And he was already pitiful enough, as he got all the shoot-backs from his other comrades in the climbing club . Everyone was teasing him after that. =P. My bad. Haha. There was this second time, where I fell, with the belay not carrying out it's rightful purpose. I literally fell from the top. Luckily it wasn't that high and I landed on my foot. Phew* Dreadful experience, but not going to stop me from becoming a good climber, if not the best. *chiongster style* Then we had this small OG dinner at the Long John Silver's near by. Daryl and me ordered fish because we wanted protein for muscle. We were the most enthusiastic amongst all climbers I guess. Then we went separate ways before it gets too late=) Someone's gonna play me a song on piano on my birthday. So honoured=)


Posted by Judah at 1/09/2008 05:57:00 AM

Monday, January 7, 2008

Building momentum

Today is the second day of schooling. BaoHui abandoned us today, so Bojun and I ended up going to school ourselves. We met Shuhaddah on the way though. Then we board the bus, a long ride before reaching the school. It was so early in the morning. Actually not that early, we were only 10 minutes earlier than reporting time. We walked on the aisle between the canteen and some area, which I have yet to find out the name. The aisle was pretty packed with human traffic going in different directions, and a little incident happened there. I was walking with Bojun to the toilet, when there's this girl in green uniform (I guess she's one of my senior or the Temasek Academy student there) coming towards me. Then she made a turn, and another turn, and *poof*, she collided into me. She was about my shoulder level, so her nose knocked into my shoulder cap. I felt the impact, but I think hers was much worse. After all, nose is the more sensitive area. I was so shocked that I turned immediately to see if she was alright, and I kept apologising. Thinking of it now, she was the one who collided into me, wasn't it. So it wasn't exactly my fault, but oh wells, I'm a gentleman, and I shouldn't mind that=) Bojun was evil. He was laughing none stop after the girls passed. I could tell that he had been holding that for a long time, that he just burst into *hahahaha*. I got influenced, and two mad guys just staggered to the toilet, laughing all along. Today we had this physical education talk and library talk. If I were to say, I would say that it was really a total waste of time. I mean no one was even listening after all. And my first slap from Temasek Junior College. I was at the 2nd storey of the auditorium, and I thought no one would see us. So me, KahChin, BoJun and Bryan sat at the back row, had our mini-conversation, when one woman came up, saw us, and started snapping. She told me she could hear me from the 1st floor, which was so untrue. I was only mumbling, and how could she hear me from downstairs?! Ohs well, that woman was tagged. I will never like her I guess, since she made such untrue comments about me, though I can't really recall how she looked like already. Today I had only two lectures supposedly, but I side-sat 2 others- namely physics and geography. China Studies in Chinese turned me off a little, but for the sake of that scholarship and everything, and to stay in Zephon house, I guess I will just have to charge at it. Zephon spirit. Unlike CSC, I find Geography pretty intersting. The Caucasian lecturer hated Tampines a lot from what I remember. Then we went home. Bryan had this very no-link conversation which made us laugh like mad:
Bryan: "Did you eat dinner?" KahChin: "Yup, why?" Bryan: "Wa, you very stupid leh. Eat dinner one." Kah Chin: "Huh -_-" wtf!" Me: "Did you eat lunch?" *lost the laughing mechanism liao* Me(trying harder this time round): "Have you ever swallowed saliva?" *hesitate* KahChin: "No, haven't" (I bet he's afraid I say him stupid) Me: "Wa, you very stupid leh, saliva in your mouth also don't want swallow!" BoJun: "hahaahha!" (laugh until cannot stand.) *Bryan came back and the same worked on him* So Bryan and Kah Chin went *pui pui pui pui* since they cannot swallow saliva, they can but only to spit. Haha
Slept through the whole afternoon. At night had this conversation with clone and Joel. A little spoil spot for the coming meet-up, but what to do? Their parents are strict. Then I got bombarded by the many conversations online- 5 or 6 simultaneously, and 2 of them being mass conversation. Luckily I managed to escape yet again=) Alright, I shall end here then=)

Posted by Judah at 1/07/2008 11:23:00 PM


Dings and Dangs, so much hassles, so much noises, the orientation has already come to an end.Today's a Monday. Although the official lessons have yet to begin, today is the day where we have the school-based, lecture-based 'orientation'. Reporting time for school today was 0725h, I arranged with BaoHui to meet at 0630h, but it seemed like the message didn't get to BoJun successfully. In the end, BoJun has yet to wake up when we were supposed to meet. So, me and BaoHui went without him. Sorry Bojun. So we met him in school instead. Today's day started off with a HOD(head of departments) talk. The small group of NASS-ians had to sit at the steps because there were not enough space for all of us. I did not pay attention of course=P Then we had this very long break. I just realised that Junior Colleges function in a way that it is so similar to a polytechnic, somehow. We had this lectures and tutorials, where everyone comes together in this big lecture theatre during the lectures, and goes to the individual civics group during tutorials, where we are encouraged to question any doubts, spontaneously. Exactly like what my sister told me about poly-life. Perhpas, it's only the school-based orientation, that's why it isn't as intensive as what I heard from my friends in Meridian Junior Colleges, as well as Dunman High school. The real thing has yet to start... Today I had only one lecture- the H2 math. They taught about this partial fraction concept which I found difficult at first, but somehow managed to figure it out myself by reading through the notes. I was half-asleep during the lecture, and half reading notes. Meaning, total negligence of the lecture, and yet I understand. Haha. As I've said, the real thing has yet to begin. Besides that, I also side heard the H2 Economics lecture. It isn't particularly a very interesting subject, and I found out that Economics students are required to write 5 pages per question from a total of 3 question, which means a 15-pages answer within 0215h. That turned me off immediately upon hearing. Such a relief that I'm not an Economics student. Practically, the lecturer gave us some insights to Economics too. Since it's a new subject, I actually paid attention. More attentive to something which never concerned me than my own math lecture. But the introduction never raise any interest in me either. The one and only advantage she told us about the subject was actually something concerning life skills, which I thought, equate to no benefits at all. Well, I'm never going to take that I guess, even if Chinese elective program is not my style=P I was dismissed at 1230h, and Bojun, siying and me went home together. Only realise that Bojun was kind of similar to me in a sense that we 're the more spontaneous people comparatively to the ones around us. For example, Siying. And I also finally figured out my reason for going to church- to enrich social life, I guess. I came online, checked a bit of this and that and dozed off, and I have no idea why my computer restarted. So, apologies to people if they have spoken to me on MSN but I never reply.


Posted by Judah at 1/07/2008 02:19:00 AM