Music Playlist at MixPod.com

O Holy Night
God's Angels guided me through

brightening darkness; removing obstacles

to have seen me thus far

Secrets of the woods become secrets no more

For God has commanded me to share my experience

with those whom trust and don't

as the encounter would witness and stand

and show the greatness of our mighty Lord

God bless

*God's child*
*Koh Tiongwei*.
24th February 1991


-All Saints (English Congregation) -Gongshang Primary 1.8, 2.8, 3.7, 4.7, 5.7, 6.7
-Ngee Ann Secondary 1e4, 2r4, 3r1,4r1
-TJC House Committee 16th ALPHA
-Anglican Diocese Youth Board Project Serve 2010

*♥Jesus♥ *
♥Fantastic Five
♥Alpha House Committee
♥Soothing music
♥Nature wonders
♥Fascinating Facts
♥Cool Surprises
♥Cartoons [Pixar and Disney]

Jesus said,"Love your enemy."

*fallen star *


Old Stories
For 3 weeks, we've been talking about temptation d...
At some point of time, this may seem like a weird ...
Many a time, I really hope that I might have had m...
Song of the day: Celebrate Jesus celebrate Celeb...
Once again, it's been a long while since the last ...
This will be a pretty short post, but I definitely...
It has been really long since I last posted an ent...
I've been so looking forward to this day, and I am...

Past Grace
August 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
August 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011


Jia En[p]
JoelPixel Icons at Ego Box

Serve 2010

House Committee
CrystalPixel Icons at Ego Box
FangXiongPixel Icons at Ego Box
KrystalPixel Icons at Ego Box
MatPixel Icons at Ego Box
Nicholas Lau
PhayKeyPixel Icons at Ego Box
ShiYanPixel Icons at Ego Box
Teck Kian
TeresaPixel Icons at Ego Box

BaohuiPixel Icons at Ego Box
Hui Yan

Pixel Icons at Ego Box=Love
Pixel Icons at Ego Box=F.F
Pixel Icons at Ego Box=Alpha HC comrades

Praise the Lord

Sunday, December 26, 2010

It's that time of the year again. Somewhere not too long ago, I discovered my love for the month of December, particularly the Christmas ambiance (not that we get a lot of that in Singapore, but it somehow just portrays the feelings of coming together and above all- PEACE). I love autumn too, but Christmas and December are the 2 misfits amongst my Autumn liking. 2010 has been pretty eventful for the 19ish- a very organised segmentation into different phases, each imprinting and constituting a significant portion of the decade. There was the much-missed project Serve, followed closely by dear BMT and then 3 months of pre-mids, til today when I'm finally a-third through my course. Physically, I've become a lot stronger and fitter; spiritually, there have been ups and downs, but generally it's been on an upward climb; emotionally, shamefully still quite unstable, but nevertheless still a great year- especially with the inclusion of cool people like Gerry, Ya Hui, Joseph, Pastor Jeremy, Jolyn, Ruth and Daniel Ng. Some barged into my life unannounced, some were people whom I've known for quite a while but God-guided-ly grew closer this year. Really thank God for these people. 2010 was also a year of many tough decisions- decision to give up things I ought to have given up long ago, decision to take up new things, decision to take up the responsibility to guide some of the youngsters, decision to rededicate, decision to plan for the future. It's all about the free will, and I thank God for this ability to choose, even more so for this amount of trust despite our apparent lack of Godly wisdom to make Godly decisions at ALL times. Then, there's also been a list of novelties that have undoubtedly spiced up my year. I thank God for the conversion of both my mom and my sis. I thank God for the exposures I've had in camp- especially the humbling process. I was told it's a breaking down process, I've envisioned it to be a prolonged period of pain and sorrow, but God is kind to let me take it by sips. The process is not complete, but for once I'm conceding- God is enough. Gerry impacted my life the most this year- especially in the aspect of self-realisation. Someday, and I really mean someday, I hope we'll reach the stage of self-actualisation. Am I really like him when he was much younger? (perhaps so..) Then there is this little hiccup to my officer course- suspected valvular disease. By name, it sounded very intimidating; by mood, it sounded quite demoralising, but really no one really knew what's it all about. The best part of it- I didn't even report sick for it. Just so happen that when day I blacked out due to exhaustion and they did an ECG on me, and poof, an anomaly was detected in my ECG's pattern and poof, I was sent to NUH and poof, I was hospitalised and subsequently did 3 ECGs and poof, my heart seemed to be confirmed with problem. For an extended period, I was happily boasting to people about how likely I'm gonna get out of course, and how I'm gonna lead my life QUITE differently. I mean, prior to this for at least half a year, I was convinced that hey, my future seems pretty fixed, at least for the next 10 years. Then, the breaking of this news tilted the entire balance, and everything has been swung out of place again. Uncertainty? Maybe, but this time round it is something which I welcome. It's an option to get out from something which didn't quite suit me. I mean there are of course people who enjoy the course and the prospect, but I for one (out of that many), definitely do not belong. Some people told me the takeaway for this is probably the importance of making good considerations such as signing a contract, but my view is really to make informed choices. Like many, I was probably blinded by what I thought would be a bright future- and had some expectations- ended up getting disappointed and disillusioned (not wanting to forget the fact that my confidence got shattered in this fateful place). It's an option, in fact an opportunity, to help me correct a mistake. For a while, I was telling many how much I yearn to get out, and if I don't I'd be quite disappointed. Putting them into equation, it's stability plus money plus pride versus youth, preference, purpose, relationship. Dilemma, but not enough to sway me. Getting out would most probably mean the loss of the former- meaning my uni and all would be an unsettled hassle again, but in exchange I got that freedom- I'd literally be freed from a bondage of 5 years. Tomorrow, I'll be heading down for further testing. Health is on the line, and I jokingly discussed with my buddy not too long ago. "What if the doctor tells me: 'I'm sorry sir, but you only have half a year left.'" I really don't know how I'd respond. Judgment day- maybe not to that extent. But it's a life-determining point definitely. Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Posted by Judah at 12/26/2010 07:05:00 AM