A day after the Green Day. Hence, school started slightly later today, but I'd forgotten about it. As a result, I was an hour and a half early for school. I did some homework and chatted with some of the people, before school really started.
During biology lecture, we watched a documentary regarding a genetic disease- the Progeria. Do visit the following website if you guys want to find out more about it- http://www.progeriaresearch.org/index.html
Anyway, the video was about 3 kids who suffered from the genetic disorders. They are John, Ashley and the much younger Devon. The former two were the most prominent one, because they established this really special bond between them, and they were both going through the exact same thing. Each was so special to the other. It was a very misfortune thing, and conditions of these kind sums up to less than 40 cases worldwide- a less than 1% chance of striking. The kids were really optimistic, and they have big dreams! John wanna become a rock star or a music player in studio next time. Unfortunately, he passed away 3 years ago on the 2004, when he was only 14+. Well, overall rating: the show is very nice and touching- I cried.
We had Orientation Group Leader interview in the afternoon. By right, my slot was 1730h, but the system altered a little at the last minute. So, they were prompting people to go in when there were 4. Reluctant though, I went in with 3 strangers. They were all previously from Slithas, and were bugging me to teach them the Zephon cheer since I'm the only pure-bred here. However, hypocrisy revealed itself during the orientation. The SCIP was insisting us to go in in 4s, despite us having only 6 people there, and going in in 3s looked a more practical choice. So, I was grabbed randomly, and I went in. Then there was this interview thing which required us to answer some question, and the girl beside me was like forever interrupting me whenever I spoke. *Pissed*. Then, the guy on the other side was forever giving the standard answers like he's sitting for an exam, while the Chinese struggled to find answers for some of the question. Pissed*. As a result, I failed to shine. In fact I was dimmed. And when it comes to cheering, which is somehow one of my strengths, I was totally PISSED*. They ganged up on me, saying that they are all from Slithas and thus, can't cheer Zephon's cheer. How nice!!?! What about me?! Excuse me! It is Zephon they are in now, and not the snake or wolf, isn't it?! PISSED*
After that, I went to find a special someone. I was in PE pants because the buckler of my pants had came off once again. This wasn't the first time, and ya, I was PISSED*. It was the sight of that special someone which calmed me down a little. Today's a special day. Finally, I helped her put on the necklace, and the pact was signed. Chatted quite a while, and saw her home.
Today's a special day,
Today's a special dayFor you and me!Thanks you _ _
Thank you _ _
now and for~ever!