Today's Thursday, a really long day. Any other school days can't be as bad as this. School only ends at 530, with double period for GP, Physics, and Geography each. I can't help complaining, can I? For GP, our new teacher wasn't in school today, but we had to do an essay. I chose the topic marriage, because it interested me. But when I was halfway, I got stuck and the entire piece became a load of rubbish.It was a tiring day, and I'm beginning to dislike my class more. Maybe my attitude fluctuates too much, but I don't remember treating anyone really bad. But each time I go to class a specific someone would choose to sit on the other row instead of me. Somehow, he's a prominent figure in the class, so many a time, I end up sitting on my own, in class, in lecture theatre etc. Sounds like a kiddish complaint, but it really sucks to feel rejected, although there are always someone who would sit with me. But being left out from the crowd is definitely not the nicest experience one can get. By the way, he's not that outstanding anyway. I just don't understand- s_u_i_ m_g_e_!I did the strengthsquest today. I am strategic, futuristic, positivity, relator and significance. It's quote true somewhat, and I'm happy with the results. Probably because it's all strengths only afterall. Today I had PE too. Did circuit which wasn't good, and was made worse by that running nose. Had other minor sports activity to practise for Napfa too. Bascically that's all for today...