I finally got that thing of my mind. It has been bothering me since then (roughly one week ago), but now it's gone. Refer to my last Sunday's post. I think I posted about it. Yup, so yesterday was a Friday. School started off with me meeting Bao up at the stage, and dozed off while messaging, and waking up occassionally to check for replies. First period of the day was Geography. I confessed to Ms Je the moment I stepped into the class. It was regarding the E-learning quiz. Because of my negligence, and perhaps a lack of luck too, I was not aware of that quiz, and so didn't do it. Despite me having written an email immediately upon that realisation, I failed to receive any response, and daily visits to the portal was futile too. The quiiz was never opened again anymore. Hence, it had been bothering me for a week. But the confession was releieving=).Around noon time was supposedly a consecutive 3-periods break. But the period in between was taken up by Physics for makeup. Nevertheless, we still had two. For the first, I emt Theen in the HC room and he wanted to call for a meeting about HC stuffs. Apparently, there was some minor problem, which accordign to him I wasn't involved, but I feel that I was. He wanted me to address to them too, but I was a little speechless lah=P Then we had physics, but around 80% of the class didn't do the tutorial. Can tell she's a little jealous over our math teacher, because we are like ever so dillient for math and even scored the best results during the JCTs. We gave her the promise that that will be the last time and the lesson proceeded on as usual. The second break, we had the meet-up behind Alpha's old place-the scope. Sharing was awkward, but everyone agreed. And it did proved to be effective in the noon, because Beta praised us=) Actually it wasn't that big of a hooha because each of us had been assigned to certain things. So superficially we might have appeared to have done nothing, but the fact is we did something. Perhaps not prominent enough, and perhaps too proactive. So yesterday we did something that was see-able and it got recognised. As the vice captain, of course it felt good. I know there were some who shared my sentiments too=)At night, me Krys and Joel chatted on the MSN regarding the Festival of Praise(FOP) concert. Haha, Krys' church is somewhat similar to ours. And ya, that's good=) So we chatted for a while, and they both each made a new friend=)