I know I ought not to be blogging here since I've made so many bold claims, and formed that ultimate resolve to really study hard. But this is one of the things that are on my mind, which if I do not share it with the world, I know I am so not going to be able to focus whole-heartedly!
I think this sentiment occurred to me many years back, but yet time has diluted the kind of impact it once had on me. Life is indeed how we want to make it to be like, in another words, we define our own life. By this, I'm not driving at that huge bright future that so many futurists have promised, but rather the day ahead- just that one day.
It goes like this, if a person wakes up in the morning, only to be already gloomy and beaten, the rest of the day's not going to be good either. It's the kind of spectacles that we choose to put on every morning which determines the kind of day we are going to live. Likewise, during times of business and stress, it's always good to start the day on a right and guiltless note! Start off the day motivated, and the rest of the day's gonna be a fruitful one! I know it's not easy at all, considering how difficult it is to divert our attention from the more appealing otherwise-s. But trust me, just pull through the first hour, and the subsequent ones would be as good as ever already! Well, at least that's how I'm feeling right now! I've spent 3 hours going through Physics concept, and another 2 on Geographical case studies, and I'm still going strong! Way to go man! I'm so proud of myself!!! =)
James 1: 14
"Temptation comes from the lure of evil desires."
Therefore for a start, if it's really difficult. Try praying about it, it helps! God has been so so good to me!!! =) I love Jesus!!!!