Monday, January 7, 2008
Dings and Dangs, so much hassles, so much noises, the orientation has already come to an end.Today's a Monday. Although the official lessons have yet to begin, today is the day where we have the school-based, lecture-based 'orientation'. Reporting time for school today was 0725h, I arranged with BaoHui to meet at 0630h, but it seemed like the message didn't get to BoJun successfully. In the end, BoJun has yet to wake up when we were supposed to meet. So, me and BaoHui went without him. Sorry Bojun. So we met him in school instead.
Today's day started off with a HOD(head of departments) talk. The small group of NASS-ians had to sit at the steps because there were not enough space for all of us. I did not pay attention of course=P
Then we had this very long break. I just realised that Junior Colleges function in a way that it is so similar to a polytechnic, somehow. We had this lectures and tutorials, where everyone comes together in this big lecture theatre during the lectures, and goes to the individual civics group during tutorials, where we are encouraged to question any doubts, spontaneously. Exactly like what my sister told me about poly-life.
Perhpas, it's only the school-based orientation, that's why it isn't as intensive as what I heard from my friends in Meridian Junior Colleges, as well as Dunman High school. The real thing has yet to start... Today I had only one lecture- the H2 math. They taught about this partial fraction concept which I found difficult at first, but somehow managed to figure it out myself by reading through the notes. I was half-asleep during the lecture, and half reading notes. Meaning, total negligence of the lecture, and yet I understand. Haha. As I've said, the real thing has yet to begin. Besides that, I also side heard the H2 Economics lecture. It isn't particularly a very interesting subject, and I found out that Economics students are required to write 5 pages per question from a total of 3 question, which means a 15-pages answer within 0215h. That turned me off immediately upon hearing. Such a relief that I'm not an Economics student. Practically, the lecturer gave us some insights to Economics too. Since it's a new subject, I actually paid attention. More attentive to something which never concerned me than my own math lecture. But the introduction never raise any interest in me either. The one and only advantage she told us about the subject was actually something concerning life skills, which I thought, equate to no benefits at all. Well, I'm never going to take that I guess, even if Chinese elective program is not my style=P
I was dismissed at 1230h, and Bojun, siying and me went home together. Only realise that Bojun was kind of similar to me in a sense that we 're the more spontaneous people comparatively to the ones around us. For example, Siying. And I also finally figured out my reason for going to church- to enrich social life, I guess.
I came online, checked a bit of this and that and dozed off, and I have no idea why my computer restarted. So, apologies to people if they have spoken to me on MSN but I never reply.Labels: way to go
Posted by Judah at 1/07/2008 02:19:00 AM