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O Holy Night
God's Angels guided me through

brightening darkness; removing obstacles

to have seen me thus far

Secrets of the woods become secrets no more

For God has commanded me to share my experience

with those whom trust and don't

as the encounter would witness and stand

and show the greatness of our mighty Lord

God bless

*God's child*
*Koh Tiongwei*.
24th February 1991


-All Saints (English Congregation) -Gongshang Primary 1.8, 2.8, 3.7, 4.7, 5.7, 6.7
-Ngee Ann Secondary 1e4, 2r4, 3r1,4r1
-TJC House Committee 16th ALPHA
-Anglican Diocese Youth Board Project Serve 2010

*♥Jesus♥ *
♥Fantastic Five
♥Alpha House Committee
♥Soothing music
♥Nature wonders
♥Fascinating Facts
♥Cool Surprises
♥Cartoons [Pixar and Disney]

Jesus said,"Love your enemy."

*fallen star *


Old Stories
Each day came and went. Blink, blink, blink, it's ...
It's finally friday. Alright, it's not finally, bu...
I'm sure God has the best planned for us, but it's...
To rest is to walk a longer distance. As I grow ol...
Today is Wednesday. Left for school earlier than ...
Few months ago I posted this video, and now I'm re...
Tuesday already, and yet I'm still shacked. I kind...
Today is Monday, finally returned to school for no...
Hm... Regarding the using your body parts type you...
Corrections to previous entry: meeting ended at 94...

Past Grace
August 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
August 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011


Jia En[p]
JoelPixel Icons at Ego Box

Serve 2010

House Committee
CrystalPixel Icons at Ego Box
FangXiongPixel Icons at Ego Box
KrystalPixel Icons at Ego Box
MatPixel Icons at Ego Box
Nicholas Lau
PhayKeyPixel Icons at Ego Box
ShiYanPixel Icons at Ego Box
Teck Kian
TeresaPixel Icons at Ego Box

BaohuiPixel Icons at Ego Box
Hui Yan

Pixel Icons at Ego Box=Love
Pixel Icons at Ego Box=F.F
Pixel Icons at Ego Box=Alpha HC comrades

Praise the Lord

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Contentment came, knocked on my door, gave me an overly-welcoming hug, pushed me away, and left me in the lurch of despair. 
It's Sunday. The day before I had asked a few people to give me wake up call. Looking back at all those Sundays that I've stood people up, I thought that was the safest measure I could at the very least take. I mean I had to, in order to minimise the chance of me oversleeping to below zero. Not bad, I managed to wake up on my own though. In fact, woke at 4+, wanted to go jogging, but decided to sleep in a while more. So final woke up time was 7, still very much earlier than I usually would. So thanks Faith, Joel and Wanning for that effort. I woke up earlier than all of you=P Today's an exciting day. It's the first time I brought someone to church. Recalling back to the first time Joel brought me along, I remember I was still kind of awkward and uncomfortabe, and God seemed as distant away as could imagine. Today, as a devoted seeker, I'm bringing people to church already. God's plan and work are wonderful! To be able to be a part of His work was even better! Wanning was nervous. Could tell from all her gesture. But she told me she liked it, and would be following up in the subsequent services! That's really great you know=) Joel intorduced her to the girls, and to my amazement, they mixed around real fast. I mean, soon I was the one being neglected. Recalling a few days ago, when she told me not to like neglect her during service, it's becoming the other way round, yea? But glad you made new friends. And regarding the speculations about me and her. Wahahaha. She's only my friend and only friend, nothing beyond. Haha. I got to know that a lot of people were curious huh? So clear it up for you all arh=P 
Went for lunch with the cell people, and by the time I finished, it was already 3+. Had wanted to go kayaking with brother in law, but he said it was low tide and the weather didn't seem that great. So in the end, everything was to much disappointment. It was postponed. By the way, the baked rice in Century Square food court was delicious! Much cheaper than Pastamania and Swensens, but presentation, variety, and taste wise were all comparable! Definitely worth the money. And and and, they combined eastern and western culinary- curry chicken baked rice. Tasted more like curry chicken rice, except for that few strands of dangling cheese. Yum yum, cheezy cheese. That dish definitely made me drool. That aroma! Whoosh! Went home, forgot what I did also. but became kind of emo towards night. Had a big blow from a big bad news. But that's only tentative. Together with the denial, the refusal to admit, it's utterly the contrast of morning's mood. Hm. I guess that's just as much bah. Read my label.


Posted by Judah at 10/12/2008 06:52:00 AM