God's words come in so many forms. After aroudn a month, I've embarked on my masterlife again. While I dozed off numerous times while doing it, and begun feeling bad and remorseful, God's great mercy set me free. I must have been really beaten out for being involved in so much things, yet not sure of where to start. Just as I was dwelling in my own faults, it suddenly dawned on me that God is doing miracles all the time, and it's often up to us to discover them. And today, He taught me to cherish and take care of my body really well. Despite numerous attempts from my friends to remind me of the fact that our bodies are the temple to the Holy Spirit, I have always overlooked this. Today's impact was made, and God made me go through the remorse and dozing off, to learn this, that I really need to rest. Learning point two, everything is in His hands, and decided in His perfect plan for us. So while I dozed off, I should not be too worried about it, because optimism is a christian trait. So I ought to learn then to dwell. Today's memory verse is John 15:7 "If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you want, and it shall be given you". How true?! Remain in His words and do not ever doubt, even at the worst of adversities, because He's always with us.
Today I photocopied a copy of this week's material for the two wens. I hope that they will be useful for you people. Wanning, that applies to you too. Hope it relates to you well=)