It certainly looks like my postings are becoming more and more inconsistent as the end draws nearer. Well, stepping up and taking over felt so recent, as if they were events of at most a few weeks ago, yet ironically, stepping down is just a matter of a few weeks away. Many had happened for sure, when we first started out as 17 nominees, and the eventual 10 which made it, and some of the pre-events we did before the HC camp, and the camp itself which we went through thick and thin sticking closely by the side of each other, and the many HRC meetings, and Vivala Pinata of 2008, Student leadership congress and camp, the many trials til the actual event of orientation Ignite the Infinite, Chinese New Year Carnival, Mega House, Frizz bee function, Sports day, road run, last year's titan, Junior treat senior, and many many more. Those were definitely some memories that I would never want to forget.
Recent weeks had been dedicated to the selection and testing of our successors. Having the highest number of people running surely speaks something about the impression we have created in the new J1 population. And for that, I'm always proud to hold my head up high and declare that I was part of Alpha's 2008-09 project. No matter how dreadful the emptiness of stepping down threatens to be like, and no matter how the idea of a possible split up in the 16th after graduation creeps up the mind, House Committee was never a decision I would ever regret making. In fact, it was one of the best, if not the best.
Within a blink of an eye, the nomination has come to an end. We did a huge amount of modification this year- we were so nice that sometimes I couldn't believe it myself. But again, I don't see a need to go beyond that- a perfect platform to practise discretion? Hm. Surely a pleasant experience for all of them, and hopefully a part of their fond memories when they reflect back next time.
Yesterday was mega house. Swinging Sixties, a mega big project that we have started like so long ago. We only had 3 drafts and very little meet ups. In fact, there wasn't much of a mass meet up (at most 2, one by me and one by calvin partner) for compilation, so it was indeed a lumpy event (the different segments just lump together). A few days before the actual event, I wasn't feeling the thrill like how I would usually do. I mean, last year's christmas event was done with much anticipation and I was really looking forward to it! But this time round, I was dreading its arrival. Calvin, on the other hand, was super stressed up, excited, and hyped up! Thanks partner for keeping the pace up! =) I think the only possible reason would be that when such a big committee is involved, all the overall In charge did was just planning and minimum hands on, though I did try to stay to help out with Gamma's final phase of preparation the night before. Cheryl told me otherwise- she said it's because the arrival of that event only marks the end of our term. Oh well.
Yesterday was the actual event. And I decided to be the walking advertisement in the school, flattening my hair like from the early hours of the day. Morning meet ups was less tense as compared to the previous ones. In fact, I think I was wearing a smile on my face most of the time, and my hair was somewhat something of a focus=P Lessons were little, and soon school ended. Had a nice long nap before setting off to the hall for preparation work. Love the polka dots boundary they drew, though it was nowhere near visible in the dim lightings. The 17th was cute doing that big frame! Not to forget I got quite high after this, combing the length of the hall no less than 30 over times. Overall, it was a huge success.
Thanks to the people who turned up and spiced up the atmosphere.
Thanks to the the teacher advisors who stood by us, or at least tried very hard to do so.
Thanks to some of the 17th nominee for helping out promptly.
Thanks to the 16th for the wonderful proposal they have drawn up, and of course for bearing with me.
Thanks to the performers who were ever so willing to perform despite not having any forms of returns.
Thanks to all the other related directly or indirectly personnels who have helped to make this event a success!
And most important of all, thanks to Calvin for being such an amazing working partner=)
Mega House 2009 Swinging sixties was a booming success!