"Nothing inspires/motivates success like how success does it." The words ring in my ears even until now. A few days ago, I was still grieving over the wound that the cruelty of reality had dealt unto me. I mean what could be worse than to throw someone into the lurch of unfamiliarities after letting him enjoy a lifetime of success. It was as if snapping off the wings of a high flying pagasus; as if chipping off the tail of a mermaid- basically depriving them of what they are best at. Likewise, having been coaxed and getting used to being an all-time high-flyer, failure was definitely a distant term, perhaps so distant that I was even oblivious to it upon it's arrival. JC marked the downfall so to say. Getting above 80 marks becomes mission impossible, and sometimes I was even fazed by my suddent U-turn of interest- math and sciences are no longer my cups of tea/coffee, replacing it was an upwelling of appeal towards subjects like general paper and geography. WHAT A CHANGE! That's why I always said singapore's education system is so darn flawed!
Today was a pleasant day though. At least I had a pleasant surprise, a pleasant deja vu, but in a fashion of its own. I've never topped a language subject, putting aside chinese that is. And that seems even more unlikely in an JC environment. But life's a profound thing, and I'm just so glad I did not have the full intelligence of God, so that such occassional surprises would indeed bring a glimmer of light across the gloom. I topped General Paper for the first time ever (even after an unjust deduction of 2 marks because I did not write down my question number, because I had a stomachache and handed in the paper 10 minutes before time), and hopefully it will continue. Oh my, recollecting of something I said 2 years ago- I would rather ace my english and get a 'c' for physics. Isn't that coming a little too late, now that O'levels have already ended, and the subject combination in JC almost certained? But oh well, if words are ever meant to come true, I would like to make a slight amendment, that is to ace all subjects!
Like my previous post said, I believe I have the potential, but potential remains potential unless they are realised by the individuals themselves. Hope I would be a positive example to influence whoever that is reading my blog and is feeling diminished over poor results! I believe I can, so can you! Belief!
Ariel gave me a peace of mind telling me that I could tell me primary school teacher without guilt that I am still topping. That was really a huge relief, but my sentiments: keep it as it is first and make sure I achieve it again at the final phase- only then would I be able to hold my head up high and fulfil the expectations my teachers had of me^^. Jiayou JC-ians=)