Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Today's quiet time was spent pondering over chapter 3 of the Book of John. It's about Jesus's brief encounter with Nicodemus. In the context of that era, that period of time, the people, having been accustomed to the old faith, was not entirely convinced about the new Faith that Jesus Himself was about to introduce. It's a continuation from what had been in place, not an abolishment, yet God is adamant that His children follow His instructions to move on, otherwise we would be considered being disobedient. This could still be the case in places where people have not had the chance to hear the good news. My parents are two typical example to quote. Even people who had inherited that faith and people who had witnessed the wonders of the miracles that Jesus performed had difficulties coming to terms with "God is real" and "Jesus is the Son of God, our only Saviour", more could be said about those who have been ignorant about it. That only spells one thing- evangelism is never going to be easy, yet we, as the children of God, have 1000% responsibility to carry on with it, for the sole reason- because He said go, not one time, but many times.
Pointers to ponder over:
1. John 3: 8
"Just as you can hear the wind but can't tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can't explain how people are born of the Spirit."
- Is seeing believing? God is so knowledgeable, that whatever He does is so much beyond us. Yet, we relentlessly seek to understand. For those who hear and accept the Good News, the answer has been revealed to them gradually; for those who tried to rely on their own strength are instead creating things to convince/deceive themselves that those are indeed the "truth". Truth lies in the people who sees Him (John 8:31-32 "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciple. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.") Then it occurs to me that wind does prevails whenever there is a difference in pressure, but is that really where the wind has come from; is that really where the wind is going. Or is it that at God's command, the wind blows and the mountain splits?
2. John 3:21
"But those who do what is right come to the light gladly, so everyone can see that they are doing what God wants."
Dear Lord, I'm aware of my sins, and I just want to pray that You'll grant me the discipline and the strength to overcome my evil ways. James 1: 13 "And remember, no one who wants to do wrong should ever say, 'God is tempting me.' God is never tempted to do wrong, and He never tempts anyone else either." Lord, may You deliver me from this evil temptation that has haunted me for so long. At Your Command, as long as You say "go, evil", the evil will depart from me at that speck instance. For You are the Holy God, your people must be Holy too. Lord, I'm relying on you evermore.
3. John 3: 30
"He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less."
Yesterday I did my Mathematics mock exam and I scored pretty well for the paper, a huge relief and a vast redemption from the preliminary examinations. I was very satisfied with the score and it even occurred to me that perhaps I was always right in believing in myself, after all my ability has served me well for more than a decade. "When I win I praise Him; when I lose I praise Him too." That's how that voice went. It's funny how many things in life goes against men's mentality- very often, people use that as a form of encouragement to the devastated ones (for God is with you, praise Him even at your lows so that He will bring about your highs soon). So indeed, when we are lost, desperate, in misery, we always turn to Him, crying out for help, and praise Him. Yes, we do praise Him! But in times of fulfilments and achievements, it's laughable how humans exhibit that vast tendency to claim credits. "I think I'm pretty smart"; "I'm convinced my ability is better than some others". Unfortunately, that has always been the case. I mean, it would not have been so bad if it's just me, but blatant truth is that most people are like that. We are arrogant, we are proud, we lack humility, and above all, we are self-deceiving. In an extreme case, I remember A telling me that A is trying so hard because A is aware that God has blessed A with the ability to study well and clearly A has been doing really well, much better than the rest all the time in the past, so even when A is struggling now, A still insisted on that kind of belief. I mean I'm no God so clearly I wouldn't know if that has really been the case, but as for my case, I'm glad to hear it myself, God told me He didn't mean it that way. Then perhaps we ought to return to zero, to His command, His expectation of us- to put Him above all else, give Him priority over even our lives.
Humility is so often lacking in most of us, that many a times, we drift away from Him, convinced that our own strength ought to bring us far enough. But how-The glorious past would speak for itself. But we so often fail to realise that He has authority not only over the present, but the past, as well as the future. It has been by His grace that we've done well (if we've not, it was by His grace that we've overcome the bad times to grow into the character we are today). We are dependent on Him, and He expects us to rely on Him all the time. Thank you Lord for helping me and guiding me thus far. I've been blessed by you so abundantly that I've been able to enjoy fruits that I'm so unworthy to even peel the skin of. Thank you Lord, and I just pray that You'll continue to walk by me.
4. Repenting means that you are not only deeply sorry for your sinfulness, but are also serious in wanting God's help to live His way.
Posted by Judah at 10/13/2009 07:24:00 AM