Thursday, January 10, 2008
Hole in the head
Today was the much anticipated Friday- the last school day of the week, which marked the approaching of an eventful weekend. It was also when the first training of rock-climbing starts. I've been looking forward to this so much, never to expect me to actually miss it.
However, fate defies wants. All the things I wanna do so much, and yet I'm unable to do all of them. Here's how the day begun...
BaoHui was finally reunited with us to go to school today. We had two lectures today- Biology and Chemistry, and the first period was Literature. So, it was kind of like the first period was a free one. So, me, Kah, Bryan and some other friends went to play soccer. We borrowed the ball from the store, and begun the game... At first it started off with light passings, and gradually it escalated to become a soccer game. I came so close to scoring one, but was brilliantly block by Bryan. He is good=). Then we continued on, when the event of the day happened.
It was supposedly a set-piece, so I was aiming for the ball. Bryan was defending me , so he was too heading for the ball. So both of us jumped, and none of us got it, but instead we got a head on collision, a real hard one. I landed on all fours, only to realise my head was dripping a lot of water, before making out the colour of blood. Then I was accompanied to the General Office. I could tell that Bryan was shocked. My blood just wouldn't stop bleeding, and if I hadn't remembered wrongly, there was a large puddle of blood where I fell, and along the way to GO. My face were covered in blood too, plenty of them Some of the seniors were looking at me when I walked past them. The principal was there, friends were there, some of the other personnels were also there. They were so worried about me, while I acted as if nothing has happened. Perhaps I hadn't seen myself, so wasn't really aware of how bad my condition was then. So, I just kept talking and talking. A little chatty today. Mom was at work, sister never picked up phone, so in the end rung big sister. She rushed over from Raffles to the hospital. So nice of her, thanks so much. It came to my awareness now that the people there were a little troubled by me, because I was really noisy and chatty, and I kept talking and talking. Kind of annoying. Then the school rung the ambulance and mentioned something about stitches. I was so shocked upon hearing that, because that means I will have to shave my head. I just got a haircut the day before...
Ambulance was there before we noticed, and I continued to talk. Chatted quite a little with the attendants through out the journey. One of the guys was from Ngee Ann secondary- my direct senior, who graduated at year 2004, the year I went in. Then I was provided with a wheelchair where Mr Kwan, one of the school's teacher, wheeled me. My Civics tutor was on medical leave today. So, Mr Kwan accompanied me at the hospital for quite a while, and yes, I chatted with him too. He was in TJ around a decade ago. So, he is also my senior. I took some statements with a nurse, and was orientated to the room of a doctor, where more checking-ups were done. I chatted with this doctor too. Went for an X-ray scan. Didn't know we have to lean against the board to take a film. The nurse who helped me take was nice, but the one who serves the incoming report was never suitable in the service segment. I actually saw her shouting at one of the patients impatiently. Foul attitude!*
Then I was sent to another department to get some titer or what thing which is supposedly to prevent any infection of the wound, particularly blood poisoning. It' not an anti-biotic though. So once, again I chatted with the nurse again. Was once again wheeled to another room, where we waited for another like 20 minutes, before the doctor came with his nurse. By that time my sister was already there, so again, I chatted with her too.
In the operation room, the skin above my skull was anesthetized, so I can only feel a little tug and pull on the wound, but not the pain. My eyes were covered up during the process, but I was still talking to the doctor and nurse. Yes, I was conscious throughout the process. And I managed to find out I had only 3 stitches at that area, despite the very fact that they told me it's around 3 to 4 centimeters, which is pretty big. After that, we did some logistics stuffs- paying, collecting medication etc.
We took a cab to my mom's work place, to inform her, since I couldn't link up with her since morning. She looked so damn w orried. Sorry mom... Taxi fare wasn't exactly that high, I mean it's only $4.80. Acceptable huh? Bought some fish soup, to go with rice. Hyper activity drained my energy really fast, and in addition to that ,the amount of blood I lost today. I'm beginn ing to feel restless. I just want something light and easy to swallow...
Labels: See red
Posted by Judah at 1/10/2008 09:23:00 PM