4th April 2008Beautiful SundayMessage to be delivered to room 28:Dear resident of room 28,
It's been roughly 4 months ever since you moved into room 28. It's been that long
but yet, I've failed to write to you even once. Sorry for the negligence, and at the same time
I warmly welcome you to live here. Traditionally, love street had been the most comfy place around and that it's located right in the centre of all happenings. Hence, I assure you that you will never feel bored living here. Besides, room 28 is surrounded by a series of beautiful sceneries from the virtue world of the landlord's imagination, and that window, through it, you will be able to see the amazing marvels of nature- both the sunset and the sunrise, and even the comet and the meteor shower. As for your miscellaneous needs and accommodation, they have all been well-taken care of. Our apartments have all been installed with the latest technology- robots and machines, anything that crosses or doesn't cross your mind, you will not have to be worried for the slightest bit. Even for your neighbours, they are all nice people. Except for my devil's advocate who lives in that room at the extreme end of the corridor, he's the only one you've to show slightly more caution to. Otherwise, hope that your stay here will be an enjoyable and hopefully, a permanent one.
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