Today's the last day of break, very much thanks to our Nation's birthday. I woke up at around 8. I could have slept a little longer, but the pleasant dream I had told me that it was enough. clone, hope that will come true. So the day started on a happy note. The entire day was spent doing my write up for the OBI(outward bound India) application, and I finally completed a decent 3 pages long "persuasion".At noon, the cheese and nachos had arrived, and as mentioned earlier, I had to pay a downpayment of 140 bucks. So I'm literally broke now, until I claim my money back. Nachos came in a box that is big enough to fit me inside. The cheese come in another box, which is like one sixth the size of the big box. But the weight was -_-" heavier by x-times, where x=very big. Luckily, bao's mom's giving me a lift tomorrow=). At around evening, I finally got started with my much behind time tutorials. Wasn't at all efficient, btu manage to complete a bit, just that bit. Tomorrow shall do more during break. Tomorrow's the house function and my interview. Wish me good luck!!!Circulate this instead! Gossip Genesis 23:1 Making up or passing along false reports was strictly forbidden by God. Gossip, slander, and false witnessing undermine families, strain neighborhood cooperation, and make chaos of the justice system. Even if you do not initiate a lie, you become responsible if you pass it along. Don't circulate rumours; squelch them! I just don't understand how and why would anyone like such things so much. I mean even if it was me who started the cause for that speculations, it was only a write up of my thoughts. Perhasp part of the entire big picture. But people interprete it, and gave it so much twist and turns that what initially was only meant to be a prank has now become so much trouble. I've been through it once, and it was really terrible. I mean why can't two people's stuffs just just be involving the two. Why would people want to participate in these? Mine had already suffered from it and left me in deep sorrow, and now it's infecting the people around me too. There are so much stuffs happening around that require our concern much much more, and many more facts that need our blessings. But people, whichever nerve went wrong, choose to satisfy curiosity and cicrulate things that are untrue and insignificant. People, of the many possible paths to take, prefer to see the suffering that is likely to happen, than to give the blessings and prayers that were so abundant. Come on guys,do what is right, not what is common!!!