Today's Sunday- Church day! Having reached home and slept only at 230 last night, the feeling that used to bother me and kept me away from frequent church visits came back today. I didn't want to wake up, and I wanted to sleep! But that only bring about the following of another feeling- guilt! Joel called me at 830, and I knew if I were to live then, I will still be very late. That gave me another excuse to miss it. But internal struggle put me off from sleep. I was having this internal warfare within me, deliberating if I should make it even if I were to be there for the last 1 minute. So finally, I dragged myself up, bathed, and set off to church. I only reached there at 930, half hour late, which I think was not bad already. Settled for a seat beside Joel, and I took out the cards. EeWen was leaving for Europe tonight, so I got to pass her her Christmas card way in advance since she's likely to go back to Sarawak after returning from the trip, meaning I won't get to meet her until next year. So I penned down my blessings for her, and went for cell after that.
Cell today was fine and fun. We did the remaining masterlife, but didn't use much of the material. In fact, we only did until the 4th day, and I'm wondering if we are still gonna continue from the fifth the following week. Anyway, today I shared a fair bit of my thoughts in response to Deqi's questions, and all of them like laughed when I spoke. That was absolute awkwardness and curiosity until I found out the reason- they said the things I said were very chim. Hm... how else should I phrase it? Serious stuffs soon came to an end, and Deqi led a game after that. Anyway, Deqi forgot my name today! Wa!
The game went like this- each person is supposed to write down 3 things of the given category on a piece of paper. For our case, the 3 categories were 1) worst fear, 2) strength, 3)weakness. After that, all of us were to roll the paper into balls and randomly leave it on the table. Then, one of the player would volunteer to pick one. He/she must then turn or hide their face so that they won't see what's being written. The rest of the people are supposed to choose one of the 3 categories, and draw out the given fear/strength/weakness. The person who picked must make guesses of the correct answer based on the drawing. Rule here was that each person can only draw one stroke (we violated that rule numerous times though). On the whole, it was a super nice game, and I was lucky enough to pick my own paper, and guessed correctly.
After that, I made a move to go and meet EeWen at the MRT station. Yeap, passed her the card, and she passed me mine. I love it super a lot. Thanks=)
Anyway, today's the exact one month from which I've known Sufie. Haha, time passed really fast! Yeap, many years to come=)
And I think I zonked out for the entire noon. Hm... Can't really remember what I did. I think I played FM if I'm not wrong. Last week and TIP's over! Perservere on! And continue praying hard for everything! For God is super amazing!
John 13: 34-35
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
Today's finally Saturday. Just as I thought I would be able to get some rest after the hectic one week facing dogs from dawn to dusk, it was not meant to be. I woke up pretty early in the morning, probably thanks to the work of my stupid body clock. But I rejected to enter the world of reality, rebuffed whatever negotiation, and made the great escapade back into dreamy land. Had some power dream, but couldn't remember anything anymore. So I only woke up at 11+, and set off to meet the rest at 1. Yes, today's 4r1's barbeque cum reunion after, a year? Thanks to Joel, all of us had to go to the Giant mega mall, which frankly, was not at all convenient for any of us, including himself I bet. But anyway, I like that place. As far as memory could reach, I could only recollect one piece I had there, that was with my sister and family, where I bought my favourite cargo bermudas, like really favourite, much much more than that stupid LV-jeans which costed more than 200! =(
Anyway, shopping trip there was fine? Attendance wise, Bobo was first to reach, followed by me shortly after, and we had a length of time for a good conversation before Joel reached. Then we met Audi at the second floor, followed by Bao. Yes, Daniel stood us up again, for personal reason, right, daosao? Lol. Shopping trip started like finally, from department to department- drinks, frozen food etc. It was a long trip, and at some point of time, not the most enjoyable. Big big reason being Bao's super black face, particularly due to the fact that she got suaned, and that her advice was not heed. But don't like that next time can? I mean as long as you stand by your advice and convince us, then we are more than willing to listen. You black face, everyone not happy, then asked you things you keep saying don't know, no one enjoy in the end mah.
After that, we moved on to E-hub to get the remaining items. Actually Bo was there earlier and he got most of it before we reached there, so we only went there to meet up with him. Audi treated me MchChicken by the way. Thanks=) It was hard labour carrying the things to our pit, which literally was at the other end of the park. It didn't help matters when I had over 10 bottles of 1 litres drink on my back, comparable to OAC's malaysia expedition backpack. Halfway through, we decided to rent bikes. Yes, the rates there were much lesser than ECP's 7 bucks/ hour. It was at 5 bucks for 2 hours. So, Joel, Audi, Bo and me rented the bike to aid our remaining journey. By the way, it was my second official biking ever since picking up that skill. And I realise it was like a game, the difficulty increases each time- with over 10kg on the back, it was really hard to cycle. Moreover, my confidence level was super low. So when we first started, I stumbled a lot, like really a lot. Joel and Audi were bad enough to abandon me at the back and moved on far far away. Bo left too, but he came back to help me after that. So at least that's better. Super disappointed in Joel especially=(. Then we reached that place, set up the fire and blah. details can be left out. More people turned up as the night drew darker. Like always, somehow I always ended up being the person doing the fire. Bao helped me, and she's the only one who helped. Haiz. Appreciate those who tried to help (though you all didn't know how, but effort appreciated). The rest, hope you all enjoy the food then...
At around 9, FF, fantastic four this time round because the eldest placed his focus on romance, went over to the rock area to enjoy the night scene. We lyed on the slope and looked into the sky, and night sky remained as pretty as ever. Managed to catch a comet, and many more dimmer stars. It indeed was a nice scene, and I appreciated it. Made me remember the song, "Indecribable", the lyrics- who puts the stars in the sky, and know them by name. God is really amazing.
After that, I became quiet again, as always. Perhaps tiredness took over me, perhaps enthusiasm drenched out, perhaps I emo-ed again. The entire thing ended at around 1130, and the 4 who cycled earlier on were the last to leave that place. Joel and Audi got engaged in a conversation, while me and Bo engaged on another. Haha, mainly about relationships, like really recollected lots of memories. It was a nice long chat. In the end, me and Bo missed our last buses, so I walked with him to his house area, and continued with our chats. Haha, otherwise I wouldn't know how to walk home- I'm a super big direction idiot. After that, I walked to the interchange and met this group of malay teenagers who had nothing better to do at night. When I walked past them, they did those kind of stupid actions to tease me, and infuriated as I was, I tried to ignore them. It's really annoying, especially when their laughters rang behind me after I had walked past them. Grr...
Big big emphasis/clarification and whatsoever: NO PREJUDICE INVOLVED, AND ANY COMMENTS ARE ALL BASED ON OBSERVED FACTS, AND PERSONAL SENTIMENTS. (if any coincidental similarity, it's time for some reflections. If not, congratulations! You are doing great=))
And here's a little compilation of my observations about public behaviour, segregated along the nationality/racial margin:
1. Singaporean teenagers generally enjoy blasting their handphones or whatever device at the backseats of the bus (fact), and it's really annoying(opinion).
2. If the above is not true, the other group of Singaporean youths enjoy blasting their music in their ears. Though they use personal hearing devices, the noise pollution that overflowed from the ears are irritating as well.
3. Odd-job Indian workers generally enjoying leaning their bodies against the pillar when boarding both trains and buses, which are super inconsiderate to people who needed them for support.
4. Odd-job China workers generally speak very loudly in public, and sometimes they do lean on the pillars as well.
But a few days ago, I witnessed a kind act. There were 2 seats vacant on the train, and there were 3 china guys, and one mother with a child. When the train stopped, the China guy looked around for a while, waiting for the mother to take the seat. Only when the lady declined that he made his move. So that's a little episode compared to another middle-aged man and woman who pretended to fiddle with his handset, and pretended to sleep respectively, when a lady in her 60s was standing right in front of them. I had this urge to go up to them to ask them to give the seats, but didn't dare. Grr! Irritating!
Then from interchange, I ran home. By the time I reached home, it was already 1+, but yet I could not sleep because of the adrenaline rush. So I only slept at around 2+ after having a short chat with cannibal.
Posted by Judah at 11/29/2008 09:45:00 AM
Friday, November 28, 2008
The 2nd week of my internship has finally come to an end. 1 more week to go, before claiming back my holidays to my own, or giving it to another work. In any case, it's going to end soon! Mood: relaxed.
Being a Friday, I started my day off on a good note. Maybe not so good, considering that I was super tired after a full-length of no-ending work. Until now, it has already been 2 weeks full, and those that might have been for a while, novel and new has already all become parts and parcels f everyday thing- to put it bluntly, mundane work. One thing not so routined would be that we didn't walk the dogs today, because Cheryl wanted to bring the new guy go walk. Anyway, Cheryl is an ex-TJC-ian, as well as one of the first batch of employees in K9kulture. So we stayed behind to help out with the remaining dogs, which frankly ain't many. Looking on the brighter side, at least I get to enjoy my favourite part of the day care service- swimming. Today was my second swim. RongQi had been feeling super sore because her experience was so much more of a nightmare than my previous one, considering I only went down when all the big dogs had been done. Today I had mine and the scratches were bad, though not as bad as I would have thought it to be. Back was the worse by the way.
Had lunch with new colleague, Boon, and realise he smokes. Gosh! Save me!I'm kind of tired now, so shall skip th details and zoom into the photos.
6 more days. Today's Thursday, but it didn't feel as though the weekend will be approaching anytime soon. I was still as listless, and the day still seemed as long as ever. After almost 2 weeks travelling there every weekday morning, today I alighted at the wrong stop again, further substantiating my claim of myself being a super road idiot.
Today I had wanted to do the swimming with the dogs again, so I wore 3 layers of pants- bermudas, shorts, and trunks, and that was super uncomfortable. On top of that, what made it worse was the fact that I did not swim at all. Today I broke my recored again. Holding record now is 12 dogs, 4 big 8 small. The difference today was that the big dogs were crazier, like literally crazier, and they dragged and pushed as and when they like. My arms are both aching already. By the time I reached back at the centre, the swimming was already half-way through, so no swim today=(
Lunch was like super late, because I took the second slot. In the end, I thought no one would be coming, so I bought 2 ice creams for lunch. While I was eating halfway they came though. Oh well, my lunch was settled already. Today a new part timer- Boon joined us. Let's hope he will be a good handler=)
Posted by Judah at 11/27/2008 07:11:00 AM
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Today's Wedneday, the exact halfway mark ever since I started this internship thing. Because of this, I've missed out lots of things in my other wakes of life- mass dance practices, cell outing, Saturday service, catch-ups with friends, leisure etc. Nevertheless, it's been a fruitful one week too, having learnt lots of things that were previously not known, such as apart from chocolate (cause liver failure), dogs are not supposed to eat grapes also as this would cause kidney failure.
While it has been very tiring, the fruitful sensation that we get after each day's worth of work has been very satisfying thus far. Halfway mark had just been passed, so we are almost there.
Today's been the most physically-exhaustive day ever since, and also the first time when I walked the dogs two times in a roll. Dog walked highest tally: 10 dogs (4 bigs ones + 6 small ones). After the walk, I had a swim in the pool with some of the dogs. Compared to RongQi's experience yesterday (had multiple scratches everywhere), mine was much more enjoyable, as most of the big dogs had already left the pool by the time I came back from my second walk.
Lunch was fine with Kai, Eddie, and Thomas. After we came back, it was RongQi's turn to go for hers. And she must be feeling superly sore, as she had cleared many many poos and her scratches, while I seemed to enjoy lots of better things- lesser scratches, and while she went for lunch, I offered to help with the attendance in the office, meaning no poos for me=). Considering yesterday's horrible blow-drying experience, it's pretty fair though. Then the entire noon was spent doing some obedience training with swoppings of dogs. Charley remained as hyper as ever, and she ran so fast that she fell from the ramp. Remembering the last remark that one of the handlers told me about the dogs losing confidence and developing phobia after such (takes very long to rebuld the confidence), I was super petrified. So I quickly tested it one more time, and fortunately Charley was fine. Phew! I kept asking it to slow slow slow, and I pulled the leash very tight already. Grr... If it lost confidence, I don't know how my remaining one and half week will be like.
Then the remaining of the day, we stayed at the day care side to help out. Ever since the departureof various personnels, it has really been short-handed at that side. So anyone who shares the same passion about dogs, and don't mind the distance to travel to Bukit Timah, do try out that job. It's really cool! Yes, cool, but shacked today=P
Posted by Judah at 11/26/2008 04:23:00 AM
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
After much testings and trials, I've finally gotten the hang of it. Now I'm reaching my workplace more on time, considering that I've always been at least half an hour early the week before.
Today has been the day where we spent the most time at the day-care side. The usual practice was to go over to the office to do the admin work after spending around 2 hours doing the handlers' work. Today, however, we spent the entire morning (almost the entire day) dealing with the dogs. Thus, today must have been the most physically exhaustive day. Today's dog walking, I took 3 dogs- 1 Golden Retriever (George), 1 brown labrador, and Nicky. It's really tiring, especially when Nicky kept tugging on the leash I had on her. Wa! Today Rong Qi did the swim and became the unfortunate victim of the doggies' paw. Tomorrow's gonna be my turn=(
Then we did obedience training again, if only my patience for dogs can be exerted on my species. Basically that's that for today. We did overtime today anyway. We are hardworking.
Mood: sad
Posted by Judah at 11/25/2008 04:21:00 AM
Monday, November 24, 2008
Monday's blue. It's the dreadful day of the week again, the phase which link rest with work.
Reluctantly, I woke up and left for work. Today I dallied 10 minutes and I reached there on time. For the past few days I've always been at least 15 minutes early for work. Today was the most exciting day ever since the first day- cool experience- really a matter of life and death. Shall not reveal too much since it concerns thereputation of my company. Lunch was eaten with Kai, and Josiah taught us some obedience training thing. It was really cool, and I think I learnt a lot! Hizer is a good German Shepherd! Journey back home was fine, travelled with RongQi for the first time. That's the for today.
Today's Sunday. This week's a little different from the others as I did not stay over at Joel's place. Thus, I got to wake up on my own today, and I was almost late. Woke up at 8, had a quick bath and left for church immediately. Today's sermon was by Pastor Phillip, whom shared about Issiah's faith. Lord, I pray that you will give me that kind of determination, that kind of strength, that kind of belief, that kind of faith to remain in you, as I face this difficult period of struggle.
We did 2 days of masterlife for today, and after that we went to Century Square for lunch again. Had pepper rice again. I'm getting sick of it, so shall not spend so much next time already.
Went home after that, and asked dad for consent to baptism. Apparently, was faced with this cruel rebuff. Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, if you happen to blog-hop to my blog, do pray for me. I appreciate it, and sincerely I thank you.
Posted by Judah at 11/23/2008 04:43:00 AM
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I'm wondering if I should go and sleep now. I'm quite beaten, and my eyes are even closer to closing now, despite it being never fully opened in my entire life. But instead of sleeping, I'm still online, pretty much doing what I don't know what I'm doing. It must have been a record-beaking two days for me, having exhausted 2 boxful of tissue paper. I'm really sick, and still am, or even worse.
Today's a Saturday, a day which I could really sleep in, like finally. But inconsiderate people just loves to wake people up with their inconsiderate act. Jesus said, "love your enemy!" I wanted revenge, but I will abide to His words! Entire afternoon, I tried calling the mobile company to check the overly-intimidating phone bills, and for a while I was over the moon. The person said my plan has expired, which explained my hugely undiscounted bills for both smses and call durations. But when I called for clarification the second time, that was not meant to be. My student plan has expired, but my contract still runs until next year's April. So my hope for a new phone went through the phase of an expanding balloon- blown up quickly and poof! It's now gone again.
Evening, I took out my work again, and started doing them. It's really like, finally! I've neglected this for quite a while, and I read up some probability thing, and did my Chemistry MCQ. For most people, that should be nothing, but considering that my entire week had to be dedicated to faraway K9kulture, that is a fair bit of amount already.
At night, I started doing up my christmas tree invitation box, and other plannings. I really hope it's gonna be really good! Put in more more effort!
I realised the one I like is no longer the one I liked. I got over the one I like, because it's no longer the one I liked. The one I liked remains, because that is the one I truly like....
Posted by Judah at 11/22/2008 09:23:00 AM
Friday, November 21, 2008
I got this from Trin's blog. Haha. Very funny=P Enjoy: