I kind of like this notes from facebook. If anyone does not have anything to do right, don't mind doing this pretty lengthy note for me. Because I really wanna know! Haha! Can leave it at the end of this post as a comment=)
1. I died:
2. I kissed you:
3. I lived next door to you:
4. I started smoking:
5. I stole something:
6. I was hospitalized :
7. I ran away from home:
8. I got into a fight and you weren't there?:
Will you:
9. Be my friend?:
10. Keep a secret if I told you one?:
11. Hold my hand?:
12. Take a bullet for me?:
13. Keep in touch?:
14. Try and solve my problems?:
15. Love me?:
16. Date me?:
17. Sing with me?:
Have you ever:
18. Lied to make me feel better?:
19. Wanted to kill me?:
20. Broke my heart?:
21. Kept something important from me?:
22. Thought I was unbearably annoying?:
23. Who are you?:
24. Are we friends?:
25. When and how did we meet?:
26. Describe me in one word:
27. What was your first impression?:
28. Do you still think that way about me now?:
29. What reminds you of me?:
30. If you could give me anything what would it be?:
31. How well do you know me?:
32. When's the last time you saw me?:
33. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?:
34. What song do you think would describe me best?:
35. Are you gonna put this on yours to see what I say about you?
Today's the first day of the fast. This partial fast is kind of hard endurance. The lacking of that kind of meaty bite in the mouth makes the entire process of eating feels weird and incomplete. I didn't know if I had been full even if I had emptied my plate. But oh well, I'm just gonna continue to strive! Come on!
Posted by Judah at 10/28/2009 02:55:00 AM
Monday, October 26, 2009
I know I ought not to be blogging here since I've made so many bold claims, and formed that ultimate resolve to really study hard. But this is one of the things that are on my mind, which if I do not share it with the world, I know I am so not going to be able to focus whole-heartedly!
I think this sentiment occurred to me many years back, but yet time has diluted the kind of impact it once had on me. Life is indeed how we want to make it to be like, in another words, we define our own life. By this, I'm not driving at that huge bright future that so many futurists have promised, but rather the day ahead- just that one day.
It goes like this, if a person wakes up in the morning, only to be already gloomy and beaten, the rest of the day's not going to be good either. It's the kind of spectacles that we choose to put on every morning which determines the kind of day we are going to live. Likewise, during times of business and stress, it's always good to start the day on a right and guiltless note! Start off the day motivated, and the rest of the day's gonna be a fruitful one! I know it's not easy at all, considering how difficult it is to divert our attention from the more appealing otherwise-s. But trust me, just pull through the first hour, and the subsequent ones would be as good as ever already! Well, at least that's how I'm feeling right now! I've spent 3 hours going through Physics concept, and another 2 on Geographical case studies, and I'm still going strong! Way to go man! I'm so proud of myself!!! =)
James 1: 14
"Temptation comes from the lure of evil desires."
Therefore for a start, if it's really difficult. Try praying about it, it helps! God has been so so good to me!!! =) I love Jesus!!!!
Finally, another thing that I'm very proud of:
Haha! Way to go people!
Posted by Judah at 10/26/2009 09:44:00 PM
My Father just proved me wrong again! A few months ago, while I was still very involved in evangelism in some aspects- bringing people to church or our mini events- I was pretty much convinced that I was doing it for Him. Indeed, I went in the name of Christ, and tried, with my human efforts, to do my very best. Some around me had been encouraged by my actions, and I begun to feel satisfied. I mean recognition is something which most of us desire from out friends, isn't it? Then, there was this period of time when some were baffled- how come the zest died down so soon after. My reason, "few non-Christians would want to be involved in establishing this new faith at this point of time- in the midst of A levels preparation or of sorts". That, has gotten me out of that kind of sticky situations pretty comfortably on not one, but many occasions. Having come out unchallenged, I thought I was right.
Just slightly more than an hour ago, I was proven otherwise. Mai, a girl whom I've brought to the church only once, told me that she has given her life to the Lord yesterday. She told me she has been going to the church near her place pretty regularly for some time already, which occurred to me as a rather pleasant surprise, considering how little we've been sharing about our faith. I still remember what she told me about how she used to believe in His existence, yet could not commit because of one reason or the other. Yet, things worked themselves out, just as I was least expecting.
Once again, God declared Himself Lord over our lives- in all aspects ranging from our health, to our education to our relationship. Why should we compromise our relationship with Him for any worldly things?
I particularly like this verse:
John 3:30
"This is the assigned moment for him to move into the center, while I slip off to the sidelines."
On top of that, humility is the key I guess. A quote from last Sunday's sermon: "we do all that we can, and He will do the rest that we can't." Indeed, apart from Him, what can we do?
"Yes, I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who remain in me and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing."
Posted by Judah at 10/26/2009 06:29:00 AM
This is my first feat/test: (many more to come=))
Posted by Judah at 10/26/2009 01:43:00 AM
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Posted by Judah at 10/25/2009 12:33:00 AM
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Indeed, there is a specific period in life for specific events.
Likewise, there is a specific encounter in life for specific experiences.
At one point in time, you were there I was here,
Another one, strangers walked by blinded eyes.
Day by day, two forlorn figures dwell by their windows,
"Where are you?"
One time; one year; one month;
One week; one day; one you.
Like a reckless van which came and went,
that left me wet from the splash it sent.
Posted by Judah at 10/24/2009 08:04:00 AM
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A distraction from stress:
(material) Wish-list:
Handy pocket-bible <3
New cargo pants
New backpack
Soccer boots? (maybe not)
Haha! I think that's that for the moment=)
Posted by Judah at 10/21/2009 07:51:00 AM
James 4: 2-3...And yet the reason you don't have what you want is that you don't ask God for it. And even when you do ask, you don't get it because the your whole motive is wrong- you want only what give you pleasure.
Posted by Judah at 10/21/2009 07:39:00 AM
Monday, October 19, 2009
Watch this! It's good=)
Posted by Judah at 10/19/2009 02:39:00 AM
Sunday, October 18, 2009
It's not the latest time in the night, neither the earliest time in the day. Ever since forming that resolve to sleep early, I've been knocking myself out at latest 12 a.m. But things were not to be today, largely because of my lack of discipline. Until now, I've dozed off no less than 10 times, and each time I nodded, I'd wake up in daze, read a few more lines, and off I went again. A mere part of that detestable chapter took me almost 2 hours to complete it, just because of the frequent nodding. Tomorrow's gonna be better, because it's a must not an option any more. Anyway, I'm just glad I've come up with some suggestions which I hope would be welcomed by the mass. Then it would be really cool=)
Posted by Judah at 10/18/2009 11:40:00 AM
Friday, October 16, 2009
John 6: 8-9
"The Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, spoke up. 'There's a young boy here with five barley loaves and two fish. But what good is that with this huge crowd?'"
The disciples are contrasted with the youngster who brought what he had. They certainly had more resources than he did, but they knew they didn't have enough, so they didn't give anything at all. The youngster gave what little he had and it made all the difference. If we offer nothing to God, he will have nothing to use. But he can take what little we have and turn it into something great.
John 6: 27
"But you shouldn't be so concerned about perishable things like food. Spend your energy seeking the eternal life that I, the Son of Man, can give you. For God the Father has sent me for that very purpose."
John 6: 60
"Even His disciples said, 'This is very hard to understand. How can anyone accept it?'
John 6:63
"It is the Spirit who gives eternal life. Human efforts accomplishes nothing.
I'm not being pure cynical about his ability but such comparison is flawed in every possible sense if you look at more objectively.
Firstly, an IQ of 160 at such tender age could have a few implications- 1. It's like what the article has claimed. 2. An advancement of growth where he reached his peak at a much younger age, so that may be where his peak might have been.
Secondly, there is no comparison with the likes of the greats simply because they have already achieved something which might be yet too distant to even talk about little Oscar now. Those people are typical representation when it comes to the talk about intelligence, but on top of that, we ought not to forget that true greatness lies in the manipulation of such gifts- and perhaps the greatest intelligence lies in the ability to use it.
Moreover, like what you've said, he lives in the era of technology and science. That aside, the amount of attention this sheer report has poured upon him is already enough to cause an immense drawback. Then perhaps we would like to address to the potential source of the kind of tools that would be available to help him grow into an unprecedented talent.
How about this? We look back at the likes of Einstein and Hawkins' lives. Both emerged as (to put it bluntly) unsightly candidates for greatness. The former was a much-loathed character back in school, and he did not even complete the proper education, but was fortunate enough to gain access into one of the top colleges. The latter was an unfortunate gentleman who succumbed to illness at the peak of his life. Nevertheless, none of these deterred them, and they proved themselves to the world that they were just as capable, if not more capable than anyone else in the world. Neither of them had had an illustrious childhood achievement, nor did they exhibit any forms of anomalies in their lives. So it's perhaps safe for me to say that the predetermining factor of their success is more of their attitudes towards things rather than their ability to understand them.
I mean, just to bring one more person into the picture. Everyone knows things fall when released in the air, but it was the one who questions the normalities that bring upon revelations to doubts. With that in mind, whatever you claimed to be the enhancing factor could very well be an undermining factor in all aspects. Especially when it's uncovered at such a tender age, especially when there are gonna be so much more specialised "talent-based" curricula that's gonna be designed for him. Is he gonna become one of the greats then? The possibility is there, but I highly doubt it.
Posted by Judah at 10/15/2009 05:49:00 AM
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
John 4 :50
"And the man believed Jesus' word and started home. "
In the past 2 entries, I've talked about asking Him continually and the answers will be given to us. Today's a progression from there. John 4 is about Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well, which Jacob had left for his descendent. As much as this part of the story speaks to me of the blatant truth, it was the latter part which touched me more- when He had gone back to Galilee, where the man from Capernaum came to look for Him with a request.
Man, "save my son!"
Jesus, "Do I have to perform miracles by miracles before you all will believe me?!"
Man, "please, just come with me, before my son dies."
Jesus, "Go back home now, and your son will live."
This is a brief summary of what had taken place. Clearly, the man had been aware of Jesus' prowess after hearing so much from the people around, about how the Messiah had turned water into wine, how he had healed many people. So clearly, he was being hopeful that Jesus would really save his son. In fact, that could perhaps his only remaining source of hope. But even if Jesus is concerned about the little things in our lives, He knew what is of greater importance- saving a worldly life or the eternal salvation of a lost spirit. It was of course the latter.
In our lives, it is always easy to say we believe in God, but there are always so many times where we are so unwilling to really rely on Him. Sometimes, it's no strange deal that we may find ourselves seeking means to comfort and convince ourselves that "I'd be able to do it." Always remember that it's never a full stop after that, for the essence of that statement lies in the concluding part, "I'd be able to do it, for He is always by my side!" Trusting in Him is not enough! We ought to obey Him above all! If He says go, we ask how far; if He says jump, we ask how high! Even if when His command does not seem to click in with what we've asked, ask Him but be sure to follow, because just as when a son asks his dad for candies, the dad would not give him a snake; likewise, our Heavenly Father being the Almighty one as He is would never harm us, but protect us and guide us in the "good path".
Posted by Judah at 10/14/2009 06:25:00 AM
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Today's quiet time was spent pondering over chapter 3 of the Book of John. It's about Jesus's brief encounter with Nicodemus. In the context of that era, that period of time, the people, having been accustomed to the old faith, was not entirely convinced about the new Faith that Jesus Himself was about to introduce. It's a continuation from what had been in place, not an abolishment, yet God is adamant that His children follow His instructions to move on, otherwise we would be considered being disobedient.
This could still be the case in places where people have not had the chance to hear the good news. My parents are two typical example to quote. Even people who had inherited that faith and people who had witnessed the wonders of the miracles that Jesus performed had difficulties coming to terms with "God is real" and "Jesus is the Son of God, our only Saviour", more could be said about those who have been ignorant about it. That only spells one thing- evangelism is never going to be easy, yet we, as the children of God, have 1000% responsibility to carry on with it, for the sole reason- because He said go, not one time, but many times.
Pointers to ponder over:
1. John 3: 8
"Just as you can hear the wind but can't tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can't explain how people are born of the Spirit."
Is seeing believing? God is so knowledgeable, that whatever He does is so much beyond us. Yet, we relentlessly seek to understand. For those who hear and accept the Good News, the answer has been revealed to them gradually; for those who tried to rely on their own strength are instead creating things to convince/deceive themselves that those are indeed the "truth". Truth lies in the people who sees Him (John 8:31-32 "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciple. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.") Then it occurs to me that wind does prevails whenever there is a difference in pressure, but is that really where the wind has come from; is that really where the wind is going. Or is it that at God's command, the wind blows and the mountain splits?
2. John 3:21
"But those who do what is right come to the light gladly, so everyone can see that they are doing what God wants."
Dear Lord, I'm aware of my sins, and I just want to pray that You'll grant me the discipline and the strength to overcome my evil ways. James 1: 13 "And remember, no one who wants to do wrong should ever say, 'God is tempting me.' God is never tempted to do wrong, and He never tempts anyone else either." Lord, may You deliver me from this evil temptation that has haunted me for so long. At Your Command, as long as You say "go, evil", the evil will depart from me at that speck instance. For You are the Holy God, your people must be Holy too. Lord, I'm relying on you evermore.
3. John 3: 30
"He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less."
Yesterday I did my Mathematics mock exam and I scored pretty well for the paper, a huge relief and a vast redemption from the preliminary examinations. I was very satisfied with the score and it even occurred to me that perhaps I was always right in believing in myself, after all my ability has served me well for more than a decade. "When I win I praise Him; when I lose I praise Him too." That's how that voice went. It's funny how many things in life goes against men's mentality- very often, people use that as a form of encouragement to the devastated ones (for God is with you, praise Him even at your lows so that He will bring about your highs soon). So indeed, when we are lost, desperate, in misery, we always turn to Him, crying out for help, and praise Him. Yes, we do praise Him! But in times of fulfilments and achievements, it's laughable how humans exhibit that vast tendency to claim credits. "I think I'm pretty smart"; "I'm convinced my ability is better than some others". Unfortunately, that has always been the case. I mean, it would not have been so bad if it's just me, but blatant truth is that most people are like that. We are arrogant, we are proud, we lack humility, and above all, we are self-deceiving. In an extreme case, I remember A telling me that A is trying so hard because A is aware that God has blessed A with the ability to study well and clearly A has been doing really well, much better than the rest all the time in the past, so even when A is struggling now, A still insisted on that kind of belief. I mean I'm no God so clearly I wouldn't know if that has really been the case, but as for my case, I'm glad to hear it myself, God told me He didn't mean it that way. Then perhaps we ought to return to zero, to His command, His expectation of us- to put Him above all else, give Him priority over even our lives.
Humility is so often lacking in most of us, that many a times, we drift away from Him, convinced that our own strength ought to bring us far enough. But how-The glorious past would speak for itself. But we so often fail to realise that He has authority not only over the present, but the past, as well as the future. It has been by His grace that we've done well (if we've not, it was by His grace that we've overcome the bad times to grow into the character we are today). We are dependent on Him, and He expects us to rely on Him all the time. Thank you Lord for helping me and guiding me thus far. I've been blessed by you so abundantly that I've been able to enjoy fruits that I'm so unworthy to even peel the skin of. Thank you Lord, and I just pray that You'll continue to walk by me.
4. Repenting means that you are not only deeply sorry for your sinfulness, but are also serious in wanting God's help to live His way.
Posted by Judah at 10/13/2009 07:24:00 AM
Sunday, October 11, 2009
I guess I'm just really glad for wherever I've come to thus far. I mean how many out there are capable of enjoying that kind of peace with a straight E-grades and a potential U-grade for the Preliminary Examinations? Yet, I think I'm still doing pretty well. That final blow has definitely waken me to my senses, and I'm finally practising my subjects. Mathematics came as a surprise for me yesterday when I realise how bad I am with chapters like the Differential Equations and Hypothesis Testing. Oh well, at least I realised that before the A'levels, so that's another thing I ought to be glad for! I am totally aware that all these would not have been possible if the faithful God has not been with me all these while, and I'm fully aware that it is by His grace that I could even be glad! Thank you Lord!
Today's service was good, because for the first time ever since adopting the new faith, I literally felt something special. After service was good too, because I went to Joel's house to study with him. The confiding was really comforting, and I just wanna thank God for such a wonderful friend. Apart from that, I did the MJ mathematics paper as well, which was far from satisfactory because I couldn't finish in the 3 hours I've given myself. I need to be more focus, and definitely more alert when dealing with all these so that I wouldn't be wasting any more time on a single question. Otherwise, I thought the paper was ok because somehow I was able to solve all the questions! I hope that had been the results of the practices I've gotten myself to embark on recently, and may I continue to build upon it. I do not want to over stress myself, but I do not want to slacken down as well! The current pace looks good, and may I just continue to thrive in that! On top of that, I also wrote an essay which is due later. I think I'm pretty happy with that piece of work, and hopefully that would be a confidence boost for myself that would sustain me through the course of the entire journey, considering how convinced I am that the Prelim's essay had been a total flop! Perhaps it was because of that satisfaction that I yearn to write more, henceforth my presence here, writing another entry for my blog. *nod*
I think I'd like to elaborate a little more on whatever God has told me this morning in the service hall. I got that inspiration from a book I saw at one of the book stores in Changi Airport about this guy who spoke to God and got a reply from Him in a unique way. Today, I guess I've had that experience as well. It's just beyond words, but the message goes like that:
God desires us to trust in Him, but the growth in faith does not mean to follow blindly. Salvation is for those who are lost, and then found again. Even though the bible says that "the fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom", it is always all right for us to question Him, to ask Him why, for that is the only way we could know Him better. Convincing yourself that "He must have a greater plan" stops only there, but probing to find out why's such plan even in place is the extra mile that each of us should go in order to really understand Him. Instead, continue to trust in Him as you probe because you're indeed aware that He has a far greater plan for us, yet do not hold back to find out more. Habbakuk's one such person- trust and ask. At the end of the day, perhaps one would be surprised by the extent to which the probing has helped him grow.
At the beginning (non-believer): curiosity about the relationship and love leads us to desire to find out.
Then (convinced): convinced that He's so real, trust in Him forever more and just trust in Him, regardless of all else.
Realisation (me): After getting into the relationship, take a step back to assess this relationship, by enquiring and by learning, to grasp a bigger picture of what the entire thing is about.
Finally (re-entering the relationship with a greater love): the realisation is bound to make us love Him ever more for that we become aware of the things He does for us, we got totally awed by His wonderful character.
Luke 11: 9-10
"And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And the door is opened to everyone who knocks."
Posted by Judah at 10/11/2009 09:32:00 AM
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Calmness be with me, as blows after blows reality dealt onto me. I'm not fretting, nor am I panicking because Lord is with me to help me through. The delayed motivation finally came, and I'm glad to say for the first time in 2 years that I'm finally enjoying studying. Thank Him for the discipline in so much more- for helping me settle down, and for helping me with my quiet time. It's been really fruitful, and I've grown closer to Him! Hallelujah!
Posted by Judah at 10/08/2009 05:18:00 AM
Sunday, October 4, 2009
I love this movie!!!
Posted by Judah at 10/04/2009 01:46:00 AM
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Exactly what my second last post was talking about!
Posted by Judah at 10/01/2009 09:06:00 PM
I cried while watching this:
Posted by Judah at 10/01/2009 08:45:00 PM
This idea occurred to me only very recently, after a series of events and serious thoughts. It's about birthday gifts.
Watch it and tell me about your sentiments. Do you feel sad; do you feel the ache within your heart; do you wish you could do something for them. Keep in mind, those 3 might have been saved, but there are still many more in perhaps another secluded village who are deprived and disconnected from the world.
While all of us have been born into this comparatively much wealthier society, the talks about gifts have gone beyond the forms of mere greetings or cards.
Ponder over this, how many of these "gifts" have come into good use after many years down the road, especially those ornaments and plushes. Nevertheless, luxurious gifts have taken their toll to occupy some sort of an obligatory role within many, as such, sending gifts (even not on birthday) is a common thing, more often than not meaningless. "I give because I feel like." That may be a form of appreciation, but all in all, nothing beats the sincerity, and I thought sincerity could be the hardest thing to replicate? The effort, which I've so often emphasised.
Then there comes a time when people begin to wonder, at least for me, "what if we give up that habit; what if we replace that gift with a more meaningful act; what if we could be happy and yet our happiness could extend beyond national boundaries. The many "what-ifs".
I'm just wondering if there would ever be a day, when "giving" becomes a form of "gifting", when the receiver gives instead of receives. After watching those films, I've told some of my friends about my desire for them to kindly divert the money that they want to spend on my gifts for me to the available charitable organisations, sometimes a little too overboard. But frankly, sorry but please do not take it to offence because that's what I really wanted. I mean instead of receiving something which I've got no real needs, I'd rather the money be spent in some better ways, in your name or my name I do not care though. Moreover, my wants are way beyond those that could be affordable at the moment- bicycle, watches and all- so I would really appreciate much.
Then finally, this morning a thought came knocking at me, if there could be some Samaritan willing to offer help, I thought perhaps there could be an official organisation to deal with all those donations, and in exchange they would present us with a certificate of sorts to record the donated amount. Designs could be personalised or based on template, and these certificates ought to be as low cost as possible to enhance the true purpose. What do you all think? Hm... Might be a wishful thought, but that would be so cool if it ever comes into place.