Music Playlist at MixPod.com

O Holy Night
God's Angels guided me through

brightening darkness; removing obstacles

to have seen me thus far

Secrets of the woods become secrets no more

For God has commanded me to share my experience

with those whom trust and don't

as the encounter would witness and stand

and show the greatness of our mighty Lord

God bless

*God's child*
*Koh Tiongwei*.
24th February 1991


-All Saints (English Congregation) -Gongshang Primary 1.8, 2.8, 3.7, 4.7, 5.7, 6.7
-Ngee Ann Secondary 1e4, 2r4, 3r1,4r1
-TJC House Committee 16th ALPHA
-Anglican Diocese Youth Board Project Serve 2010

*♥Jesus♥ *
♥Fantastic Five
♥Alpha House Committee
♥Soothing music
♥Nature wonders
♥Fascinating Facts
♥Cool Surprises
♥Cartoons [Pixar and Disney]

Jesus said,"Love your enemy."

*fallen star *


Old Stories
Judah likes the recollection: one day before setti...
Resolution (2011): Better discernment/ fuller dedi...
Testimony 2010
"Future holds too much uncertainty for us to compr...
I really like my last 2 entries. Anyway, I had my ...
It's that time of the year again. Somewhere not to...
For 3 weeks, we've been talking about temptation d...
At some point of time, this may seem like a weird ...
Many a time, I really hope that I might have had m...

Past Grace
August 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
August 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011


Jia En[p]
JoelPixel Icons at Ego Box

Serve 2010

House Committee
CrystalPixel Icons at Ego Box
FangXiongPixel Icons at Ego Box
KrystalPixel Icons at Ego Box
MatPixel Icons at Ego Box
Nicholas Lau
PhayKeyPixel Icons at Ego Box
ShiYanPixel Icons at Ego Box
Teck Kian
TeresaPixel Icons at Ego Box

BaohuiPixel Icons at Ego Box
Hui Yan

Pixel Icons at Ego Box=Love
Pixel Icons at Ego Box=F.F
Pixel Icons at Ego Box=Alpha HC comrades

Praise the Lord

Saturday, January 30, 2010

"I wish the 3 of them are still with us." "I wish no one has left." "I wish everything's still the same."
"But who doesn't?"
It's been a really fulfilling 2 weeks, and that kind of friendship forged is something that rarely comes by. Not saying that I haven't had any experiences of similar sorts, but there are really rare. A year ago, I told my fellow cheerleaders that the friendship should not drown with the diminishing of the competition, but it faded away nevertheless. Not saying that it's always gonna turn out that way, but what if it does?
I'm learning to take a step back in this kind of relational aspects already. Putting in too much can also mean that at the end of the day, it's gonna take us lots and lots of efforts to draw back even a little. Regardless, my quote applies even here. Anything could be an option in everything, yet they may not be sufficient to fulfill themselves as valid reasons to substantiate our lacklustre efforts. Therefore, (to me) perhaps it's really ridiculous to say things like, "I dare not commit too much into any relationship for fear of getting hurt." If that's the case, then try not to get hurt? What's with the reluctance to commit?
Anyhow, as we've moved on from the departure of the 3, things have seemed a little harder to cope these days. No doubt, people are opening up and sharing has in one way or the other become more effective, but the absence of Van's unique presence (and voice), Shane's intellectual inputs, and even Denise's sweet voices and smiles of concerns have been deeply felt. Of course, no one speaks about it in Serve. Everyone puts on the front as if they were really strong, but the void has been a torturous one. I've toned down quite a lot and many people had been asking me why did I look so sad all the time? Even Michelle commented that I was a quiet boy in the group. I haven't even realised that!
I hope all of you all are doing really well in the new environment, and things get really tough to really sustain the stretched distance between us- simple task like to keep you guys updated of our progress and even things like having a discussion. I really do not know where to begin. But yet, I do not want to exclude you guys! Because you guys are forever part of the 11 whom started out together as random people whom didn't even talk to each other.
Markus, I'm really thankful to have fallen into the same group as you. Remember how we met. The first day of serve- that dinner, when me, you, ben, and Joel had a little chit chat outside the building? I really desire someone whom I could talk to, and I really thank God for dropping us into the same group. Despite my seniority and sometimes being a little aggressive in the way I wanted to pick up pace, I thank you for having served me by accommodating to me, to really listen and acknowledge some of those advices. You are a really nice guy and a great leader!
Van, I cannot recollect what was our first ever conversation was about already, but yes! I thank God for introducing you into my life! Really thankful! Because you've been such a marvelous character! The way you conducted yourself, the way you involved others, the way you related with us, and above all, the way you brought joy into the group! Thank you! And yes, I really love your singing! You're sorely missed, like really!
Esther, you were the last to join the group! But that didn't stop you from overtaking those whom I might have spoken to earlier to in my heart, and believe it or not, you were one of the few whom I'm really close to in Serve! Thank you for trusting me and sharing things with me, and I really hope this friendship between us will last beyond many years to come. The fact that we've a common friend in Janell is really a bonus already! Love ya!
Isaac, the guy who's always online; or rather the guy whom we always turned to for food! Thank you for being my grandpa! I believe that was the first thing I told you immediately after finding out that you are an Isaac, that you are my grandpa! It's amazing how things begun weirdly in their own ways, one or the other, but I'm just glad to have come to know you! Simply because you are so nice to talk to, and you're close to a zero-temper guy! Thanks much, bro!
Denise, the one whom I have least difficulty to regard as a sister! I really do treat you as one! And not forgetting how you were one of the first ever ever person I talked to during the dinner! You came to our table and I was talking to Kenneth. I still remember how awkward you were sitting at the corner, and soon after we went into the same group, things begun to change! Really glad to have you in our group, and your smile (and your blurness, not sure if you really are) never fails to lift up my spirit! Thanks sister! And thank you for the photos too!
Mark, my father! I don't know how a Mark became a Judah's father, but yes, since you were the one who had decided to "adopt" me, I shall just take it that you love me! Having you in our group surely had been fun, especially during the camp. I'd never forget how you influenced the whole group to go after your "yea yea" and "whatever"! Thank you ah pa, for helping me integrate into the world of 17 years old!
Shane, the special one! Indeed, you are very special in our group, and I really did appreciate the things that you've shared. Those had really shed new lights onto things that we might have understood as an otherwise! Thanks Shane, and even more so for the keenness to serve God and minister to your fellow brothers! I appreciate your care and concern for us, from which I've felt so much genuineness and sincerity! Thanks bro!
Shay, who has been otherwise known as Sien Du! Thank you for opening up your heart to share with us your personal struggles and problems! Really thankful for entrusting us with them. We, I at least, felt treasured and trusted, and I'm sure you're aware of how it feels to be appreciated in one way or the other. It's never easy to make ourselves transparent in front of people whom we've barely known for not even a month, but yet... The rest of us do have much to learn from you! Serverknights love you!
Brandon, I purposely leave you at the last! Thank you for having been one of the forces that had pushed serverknights forward. I really do appreciate your insightful sharing. I'm not sure if you had been aware, but my character could have been the most different from you, yet we've come through thus far, and as much as I'm aware, you must have been trying hard to put up with me, so I'm just really thankful for that. Indeed, who can bring 2 people with personalities of polarities together and work wonder through them? God can! And I just want to thank Him for you and I just hope that we might be able to work through all those differences and grow closely together after the path He has taken before us! Thanks once again!
Siyu and Michelle! Our beloved undergrad mentors! I'm not sure if we have been a bunch of fun people to hang out with yet, but I'm sure Serverknights love you girls! Thank you for being such great mentors! And Michelle, I'm not quiet if you have known me better. Oh well, in any case, don't forget us when you all head back to Aussie!
Pastor Francis, the cool guy! I've had 3 proper conversations with you, and zero deep ones! Yet, I'm glad you are posted to our group, because cool people come to Serverknights! HAHA! I really do hope that Serverknights can really grow closer through this phase of preparation and lessons, and that we may be able to have a fruitful journey during the mission trip!
And finally Serverknights, "I know that we will move on in our lives back to our different walks of life, and these memories will not be as vivid as it is now. we wont have the time to msn and skype every night and we wont be able to sit and wait for one another to reply messages…but i know these short period of time was indeed as fantastic one..the photos on facebook will never fail to put a smile on my face." Quoted from Van! This kind of things do happen indeed, regardless of how much human efforts we are willing to put in (a reflection upon the attitude of my previous entry). Yet, difficult remains one thing, and impossibility remains the other! Let's hope and pray that this fellowship can really last beyond many things and years to come!

Posted by Judah at 1/30/2010 09:04:00 AM

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

God created departures for us to run back to Him, to help us to be convinced that no other relationship thrives above one we have with Him. That's why the withdrawal of Moses, Elijah from the surface of the earth- because people then were inclining towards a reliance on such greater than God Himself. Despite the passing of many thousand years, such traits are still a common phenomenon amongst men- the fostering of relationships and it's subsequent end.
Today's another such gloomy day, and men never seem to learn. Myself, at least, was constantly plagued by such- the experience of come and go; the struggle through the gaining and losing. It all began a week ago where the boot camp made its miracles by bringing 11 people from different wakes of lives together to form an awesome group of servers called the serverknights! We cheered, we played, we joked and we had lots of fun! Never never? Ask me again- and I will say play "ever ever instead." I've ever been to an awesome program call Serve 2010 and met an awesome group of friends whom I really love so much! It might have been easier if we had split ways right after the camp, but the subsequent few days of lessons planted the roots that stretch so deep ever since. Today's the final day, and perhaps some of us have not felt the pain yet, but as I visited Van Van's blog and played her song- it just dawned upon me how much I'm gonna miss the presence of those 3. Even if they might have been the quieter ones, the ones whom I might not have quite noticed, the ones whom I've talked to so rarely, it's gonna be a hard fact to swallow. Simply because of one thing- a common memory that has been shared.
Now I'm feeling the fear- a fear of what might happen in slightly more than a month's time. Barely one week, and I'm already experiencing that kind of pain, and how about a month later?
I'm just so thankful for Van van, the one whom all of us had been so comfortable with. You're an awesome character, and we really got to keep in touch all right! I love your singing! Really!
The next closest got to be Markus and Esther. Goodness! A month later, please do stop me from crying all right?
All the rest, thank you so much for being part of this group! I really enjoy your company. Despite my awkward age in the group, you guys have treated me really well, and allow me to integrate in really finely! Thank you guys! That family tree which stood, shall always be there! Love you guys!!! A lot a lot!
The family tree that has yet to be drawn! <3

Posted by Judah at 1/27/2010 09:24:00 AM

Friday, January 22, 2010

I miss blogging, the initial intention to blog about everyday happenings had not been a faithful attempt in any sense. (I have only 10 minutes left to blog before I leave this place).
Serve 2010 boot camp had been a fantastic one, and Serverknights rock socks! Love my team members! ^^

Posted by Judah at 1/22/2010 03:54:00 AM

Sunday, January 17, 2010

It's been some while since I last posted. Work has finally ended, and I believe I'm having a lot more time for my own things these days. Therefore, until now, I believe I've had my fair share of fun already, and it's time to begin a more constructive, more meaningful life. Since last Thursday (last day of work), the excitement towards the prospect of freedom had been closely entailed by the unnaturally natural desire to indulge myself in some games (which I am still pretty uncertain if those had been what I've really wanted to do; or were they just impressions that had been impressed upon myself by the general public- that playing games equate to treating oneself better). A clearer analogy is perhaps very much reflected in the recent wall posts in social website (facebook)- a less than substantial claim that "after A levels, I went Hong Kong; after I came back, I went to work; until now. I ought to treat myself better hor^^"
But it has certainly felt like a long period of time since my last day of work, when in actuality, barely 3 days had passed. That's one of the irritable of a perspective based phenomenon- that when you spend a majority of the day dwelling in certain things, there is always this tendency that the day may seem to have stretched beyond what we may have expected it to be. Therefore, apart from the feat of swimming 4km, I guess the significance in much things could have been drowned.
Anyhow, yesterday was a polarity. It was the second cell outing that my group is having in the year 2010, and pretty much so, the second that we've had ever since I joined them. So, I am really happy that the relationships between each of us have been thriving, perhaps not so noticeably, over this period. My conversation with most people had not been able to last beyond certain time frame, if not for the twin outings that we've had. Thanks much to En for stepping up to organise the first one, which had really been a blast! That was one of the best heart to heart chattings I've ever had!
And it was precisely due to the high benchmark that had been set that I was beginning to have much worries when I organised the one we had yesterday. Attendance was not as assuring as then, and Jia En was the only girl. But God's always so good to make His presence felt. So the outing turned out really good! Chatting at the empty hawker centre at the second floor of Sempang's a really good option for random activities! Staying over at YanJun's was awesome too! Jia En was nice enough to stay over with us (I'm suspecting whether she has agreed because she didn't want to disappoint me, otherwise it would have been so weird and awkward for her. But thanks much nevertheless!). Bridge and "Big 2" until 3 or 4 am in the morning reminded me of the good old times, when we were so much freer; when I still claimed myself to be the nocturnal (not anymore- tested and proven!). Now that I reminisce upon what had happened last night- it's really funny how our conversation drifted from one topic to the other, with Alvin constantly giving us the assurance that he'd not feel tired if we kept him occupied, which we eventually failed to do so. And I do feel that the most productive talks came from that period of time, when most of us were in the state of half-consciousness- when we shared our perspectives over many many things, spiritual and life alike. Humorous in the sense that we talked about such solemnity when our state of mind was not at its best, yet yielding good yields. Who else but our Daddy God is awesome enough for such?
Breakfast at 85 was devoured with minimum remaining energy, and how the four of us went for service without a proper wash up was definitely a sight- a unsightly one, but definitely a worthy one!
To my cell mates:
Guys, I really love you guys so much! I've mentioned this before that the cell thing, unlike any organisational/ school-based activities, would not come to an end at various specific deadlines. So this is really something that we ought to build upon, a relationship that holds accountable for each other. I'm really so glad that we always grow so much closer at the end of a cell outing, and I do get disappointed when we distance ourselves as we step beyond certain radius (3 days or perhaps 4 after the outing). Let's keep this up all right? I really love my cell group, and today I'm just so glad that God gave me the courage to admit to something which I've always shunned away from discussion since almost 8 years already. So that confession, I hope is one that'd be kept within us (not even Joel or any of my family members know about it), but I'm trusting my cell people- that added responsibility that we've towards each other. I'm really relying heavily on you guys to help me overcome such! Love you guys much K3U
Ps. I wanna take more photos with you all!

Posted by Judah at 1/17/2010 04:43:00 AM

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Revival descends upon us- I was touched!
The beginning of a new year- the beginning of a journal. Father Lord, please guide me through!

Posted by Judah at 1/10/2010 05:08:00 AM

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I got inspired by Joel, and I really want to blog! But I do not know where to begin. Frankly, people, there can never be an instance when there're nothing to share about, because so much has been happening all the while!
Anyhow, a point form one might be the most suitable for my current state!
  1. I had my final closing at Cocoa Trees and I'm convinced I'll never return after finishing my remaining 4 morning shifts
  2. I've grown to be closer with the Lord through many blessed reads
  3. I've made a schedule which I really hope to abide by
  4. I'm still not missing school, despite the many claims that people will miss school when they're finally out of it
I guess that's that bah.

Posted by Judah at 1/06/2010 10:02:00 AM

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The first step to a more systematic life

Kind souls, please keep me in check^^

Posted by Judah at 1/05/2010 09:42:00 PM

I need to talk, I want to talk, but this crazy shift is screwing me up! Glad that I still have one more night to go and that's that!! Go go!!!

Posted by Judah at 1/05/2010 10:25:00 AM

I am so grateful, for all the unfairness, because it only revealed to me how fair our God is to me. When all things fail, He alone will stand, in the midst of all miseries and darknesses, He offers me His hand like no others. No amount of anger, no amount of injustice, no amount of sorrow can ever overshadow the joy from the promises that You've given. Thank you Father! I love you!

Posted by Judah at 1/05/2010 04:05:00 AM

Monday, January 4, 2010

Moving on: A long long way to go.
A journey that we embark on together!
ps. anything can and cannot be said, what matters is the deliberation that we gave it before we speak it. Sensitivity, and whatever not. Perhaps I'm too sensitive, but anything that could have been deemed to be excuses are not valid, to me at least.
This so reminds me so much of the past, when I got totally put off by certain gossips. Then there's the issue of insensitivity now. Come on, let's be true friends to each other and help each other grow on the path toward greater righteousness. If I am too sensitive, help me to become less so^^ In Jesus' most precious name, Amen!

Posted by Judah at 1/04/2010 09:02:00 PM

Friday, January 1, 2010

I know myself to be a man of much spontaneity, so to some extent impulsiveness is kind of my forte. But does that mean that I'm not organised? After having worked through so many things, my experiences give me a solid disapproval of that suggestion, but I've been told otherwise, not by anyone but by myself. I've thought myself to be a pretty all-rounded person, very much of this and that, and at least a little of those, but "those" have seemed to be very insufficient. I've still got a long way to go, and that comes with first humbling myself. Indeed, such journey will never be easy, in fact, very hard if I do not. A quote from Avatar- you cannot fill a cup that is already full. My cup has to be empty!
If I were to tell myself that I do not have leadership qualities, I would be deceiving myself. If I were to tell myself that I'm not aware of those qualities, then I'd be killing myself (my potential). But indeed so, I need refining, a lot of that!

Posted by Judah at 1/01/2010 09:34:00 PM

Happy New Year, blog! It's one hour from time, but I'm wondering if 1st January 2010 might be over by the time I finish this entry and have it posted. Anyhow, I believe I've mentioned not too many entries ago that I wanted to do that, and perhaps a further entry before that I wanted to do that, but very seldom, those desires that I've had in mind have really gone into execution. Flicker you may call me, but many desires are just short-lived, aren't they?
A new year, and a new beginning, hence, a new sets of resolutions. I don't know, but I haven't been at all that keen to blog over the course of the recent days, so even though I'm posting now, I have made an effort to force myself to do it. For that, I'm quite appreciative of God and myself, for that willingness. For people who have hurt me, and people who haven't, I always try to make myself known that I am one who sees upon efforts as an essential part of any relationship. So I do get really upset when I sense lacklusters. Especially so when I've overcome my fear of over-expecting from whomever they might be. (entry of 21st December)
New Year resolutions:
  1. Grow to know Him better (Aunt Yee Peng mentioned that the Holy Spirit always have something to tell us and for us to learn, and as long as we seek, we'll realise that the journey's actually a really exciting and thrilling one, so I'm really keen!)
  2. Make myself into a more Christ-like person (the conscious efforts are really important here!)
  3. Train really hard to become fit and survive well in the army!
  4. Improve upon certain relationships, with family, with friends
  5. Get a bicycle really soon so that I can really brush up on my cycling techniques!
  6. Become a very positive witness/testimony to God!
  7. For more resolutions to suffice, and determinations to sustain!
Random sentiments:
When we feel that certain lessons have lost their appeal to us already, perhaps it is time to rectify our attitudes so that more lessons can come out from the same material.

Posted by Judah at 1/01/2010 06:56:00 AM