It seems to be such that as you begin a day on a good note, the remaining of the day would also be a pleasant one; the same could also be say about a week (I hope).
Today's been good. Not that there has been any particular instance of joy or of sorts, but that things have taken a turn, and it looks really optimistic now. The withdrawal is slowly fading, and I'm back to the team. I can boldly declare now that the devil has taken a hard blow from us, and praise the Lord for that! Indeed, God's power never fails.
Serveryucks all the way!!!
More Of God Less Of Me!!!!! (MOGLOM)
Posted by Judah at 2/08/2010 04:29:00 AM
Posted by Judah at 2/08/2010 03:41:00 AM
Saturday, February 6, 2010
I've just read Shaylen's dedication for us and I was left speechless and dumbfounded. Apart from being thankful, there was also this unexplained sensation of numbness within. I do appreciate those words, and they are really nice, but I'm not sure if I could say the same about myself. Third day of Serve and I already had a personal dedication for each and every of my group members, in hope of writing even for those JC-goers (while the memory remained fresh), so perhaps I had progressed a little too fast.
Some days ago, Siyu asked me if I felt weird in the group, because of the differences. I was blinded by the initial amicability of my group mates, for allowing to integrate so quickly and not felt left out, despite being the only 19 year old there. Yet, as the days went by, and together with the departure of some, and together with the disintegrating of the group into cliques, the problem was exposed. The difference in maturity level, difference in the level of pursuit for things, difference in the desire to progress, difference in the level of expectation, difference in priorities in life, difference in interests, difference in characters, difference in attitudes and so on. But wait... DID GOD CREATE MEN FOR THEM TO BE THE SAME?
Pastor Francis talked to me in response to my nod when he asked if anyone has ever considered going into full-time ministry. As I closed up and withdrew myself from the group, impression hits at me that I should indeed halt what I have been doing. Differences give rise to conflicts and conflicts always go against our desire, and God makes use of all these to mould our characters. Look upon all these as opportunities! If they are different, try to find out how different they are, so as to prepare myself for my own ministry in the future. To see these as opportunities indeed.
I shall start anew from here onwards!
Posted by Judah at 2/06/2010 04:11:00 AM
Dedication to junior comm
I've just seen through some (TJC) orientation photos and relived the days when I was still part of it. What memories! But am really impressed with a lot of things, and am really glad they have had a lot of fun. Juniors, if you all are still following my blog, just keep in mind that even though I seldom go back nowadays, I still follow your progress closely all right. Regardless, once an Alpha, always an Alpha, and yes, I am really proud of you guys (I've heard much good things about you guys!).
Upper gallery used to be the shunned place because whatever cheer done there, the effect would be minimised by numerous times by the time they reach the stage, but now it's become a hot spot already! Others fear and respects Alpha now, and that's just pleasant to hear^^
Simon, I've told you, focus on the fun part! 15th Alpha did really fine for that, and that's why I love Alpha so much, and I believe for the 16th, that was also why Alpha had the most number of sign ups on numerous occasions! Keep a look out for potential successors, and keep that Alpha spirit burning yea^^ To the remaining of the 17th Alpha, well done guys! Don't be sad, and I'm always proud of you guys, sexy kids!
lots of love,
VC from senior comm, 16th Alpha
Posted by Judah at 2/06/2010 03:44:00 AM
Friday, February 5, 2010
My view about tithing
There was ever a non-Christian who asked me, "why give the money to your church, when other areas seem to require more investments (in the likes of the allowances for our parents and even our contribution to the world)" I was dumbfounded upon hearing that, yet as Paul had put it, Christians ought to be able to defend their faith in the lights of such challenges, which unfortunately is one trait many young Christians today lack. Frankly, I was desperate to think fast and give an immediate response the best which I could manage so that that short period of silences would not give the impression that I was uncertain. The fact is that, I was not, for that my faith lies in the all-powerful God, of whom has no space for me to be uncertain about.
(I stopped here at least 2 hours ago, and now I've lost the mood to talk about this issue already.)
Anyhow, the reason why Christians tithe is far more than the monetary reason which most people see. The churches do not require anyone to give, rather it is pretty much a voluntary act and the rationale behind this, for myself at least, is to give an acknowledgement to God- a declaration of our faith to the world that we do not live on bread alone, but rather drink from the river of life which comes from our Lord alone. That is, we do not rely on money, but rather only on our all-powerful God who provides us with more than sufficient. An affirmation of our faith.
As for what the churches do with the money, it has no implication with the individual's act of tithing. Regardless, most churches commit a significant amount from that collection to charities and other underprivileged prospects in the society. For one, I heard from Pastor Fuman that 80% of the collection from the tithing in St. John's Chapel goes to such function. 20% of which are then used to support the personnels in the church. Of course, there are other churches who practise otherwise thus giving the world a distorted view of Christianity, which should never have been the case. Myself, for instance, has zero liking for prosperity gospel anyhow-
Self-claimed people who benefit themselves by taking majority from the tithing to purchase luxury items or even cars or houses. THESE, are not the Christians we aim to be like.
Ps. If giving money to the parents is more important than tithing, then what's with the offering buddhists put into the offertory box each time they visit the temple. Let me emphasise once again, my security and my sufficiency lie in God and God alone (I'm not saying that I won't contribute to the family, but let's draw the line proper- when you give one who does not manage, and when you give others who might be given a leash of new life due to that dollars and cents from us.)
Posted by Judah at 2/05/2010 11:51:00 PM
Tonight I'm gonna sleep early and be really refreshed the morrow!
Recognise that every thing that might go against our will is an opportunity for submission and one for Him to do His work (quoted from Isaiah).
Posted by Judah at 2/05/2010 06:26:00 AM
Thursday, February 4, 2010
The Lord is with me, of what shall I be sorrowful over? Lord, please help me with my emotions. I feel like letting all of those out, but they got stuck at the brink. Remove the bitterness, and let me rejoice with You, and You alone.
Posted by Judah at 2/04/2010 05:37:00 AM
It has never been easy to blog about the negativities in life, especially for someone like me, whom has always gone around declaring his conviction about "optimism being a Christian trait". Yet, that being the ideal, and me being still far off, I could only, time and again, fall into the pit of a shade of blues.